The One Thing That Proves You’re Meant For Each Other

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago 

Do you have a big heart?
I mean, are you good at loving people?
If so, your ex would be crazy not to let you back into his life. Here’s why.

They say the meaning of life is to find your gift. And the purpose of your life is to give it away.
But in order to give away your gift, someone must receive it.
So who should you give it to?
I think you already know the answer. But we’ll come back to that in just a sec. Because, first I need to make a prediction.

I predict you already have a mental image of one man in your thoughts right now. As you read these words, you can picture his face.
But thinking of him brings up mixed emotions. Because you know how good you could be together. You know how much potential this relationship could have.
Yet there’s pain there too. And that pain comes from the fact that something is blocking you from giving away the greatest gift a person could ever receive. Your love.
(By the way, If you’d like to skip ahead to see my laser-targeted advice about getting your ex to talk to you again, check out my Relationship Rewrite Method here).

You see, I specialize in helping women like you. As a relationship coach, my favorite kind of client is a woman with a gift for loving deeply.
A person who just needs a little boost to overcome the obstacle that stands between her and the romantic bliss she deserves. I mean, let’s face it…
When you’ve shared a special connection with someone, it’s hard to let it go.
Especially when you know there’s still a lot of potential if he would just open his heart again!
You could build a beautiful life together.
If that’s something you want, then it’s worth fighting for.

But here’s a question for you…
If you’re so good at loving people, why not just settle for some other guy? Why not pour your love into a guy who adores you, but triggers none of your own instincts for affection?
What if it’s the pudgy guy with poor social skills and body odor? What if he appreciates your love more than anyone you’ve ever met? Should the two of you elope?
Of course not. And here’s why.
He will prevent you from giving away the most precious gift you possess. True love. Deep affection, admiration, desire.
Mutual desire. That’s the golden ticket. And that’s also why it’s not a good idea to hide your feelings for your ex.
Too many of my clients want to hold their cards close to their chest. “I’ll only reveal my true feelings if he goes first.”
I get so tired of hearing that. Because it means I have to find a way for her to send an encrypted message that says, “I will only become the woman you need if you first prove I am the woman you want.”
Do you see why that doesn’t work?
Playing hard to get has its place, but not with your ex.

If you want to win back your guy’s heart, there’s something else you should know…
Showing you still like him isn’t enough.
There are plenty of other women who will show they like him. And they don’t have to overcome the wall he’s built up because of your history together.
They don’t have to overcome his “been there, done that,” attitude about seeing where things could go with you.
The fact is, those are obstacles you must overcome. But the good news is, you can succeed with the right approach.
You just need to get past the barriers that are currently keeping the two of you apart. And for that, I have a solution.
It’s called the Relationship Rewrite Method, and its power comes from one simple fact...
Emotions run the show.
No matter how stubborn he is, and no matter how “logical,” his decisions are, he’s human. Which means emotions drive his decision-making more than anything else.
Emotions begin to steer his actions before decisions even enter the equation. Because emotions determine what he wants in the first place.
Here’s the secret to getting back with your ex. Forget about convincing him to give things another try. Focus instead on changing the way he feels.
If you like the idea, but you’re not sure where to start, I invite you to take a shortcut.
I’ve watched what works and what doesn’t for many years. And I’ve assembled those insights into a series of steps anyone can use.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to learn the hard way, I understand and I wish you the best of luck. But if you’d rather not reinvent the wheel, I have a short video that describes more about it.
Discover the Relationship Rewrite Method here. It could be the beginning of a new chapter with your ex, just waiting for you to turn the page.

Oh, wait. You’re still waiting to learn the one thing that proves you’re meant to be together?
Well the answer is simple, really.
You see, I’ve noticed something about people. Something about the way the human mind works.
Expending energy goes against our instincts. That’s why it’s hard to get yourself off the couch to go for a jog.
Yet something happened in your mind when you read the title of this article. I didn’t name any guy in particular. Yet it was your ex who came to mind. The guy who pulled away. The guy with emotional walls to keep you out.
And despite all the obstacles you have to overcome, your emotions still draw you toward that man. That tells me something no match-making personality test ever could.
It tells me your heart has already chosen. Now we’re just waiting for destiny to catch up.

PS to give destiny a nudge, check out what I have for you here:

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