I Have A Passion ... The Flower of Passion!

in hive-154065 •  4 years ago 

We are the people of passions, innumerable and various passions lead our lives. Beauty comes from diversification.

I have some normal passions: music, film, photography, cooking, gardening ... I think they are common with your passions but I also have a strange one.

The Flower of Passion ( Passiflora )


Passiflora is a climbing plant and there are over 550 species. The best known is the passion flower or the passion fruit.

This is a plant that lives in the Mediterranean climate and does not withstand low temperatures in winter. Because of this, it does not grow in my country, Romania.

I saw this flower for the first time in the city of Sozopol in southern Bulgaria. A city on the Black Sea that I really like, a city that was built by the Greek navigators in antiquity.


Here I saw the first flowers climbing on fences and houses. I instantly developed a passion for this flower, even before I knew it was called the Passion Flower.



That happened several years ago. Since then I have been left with the desire to have this flower in my garden as well. It didn't happen until this year that I found myself buying from a flower shop.

This Sunday my Passiflora bloomed for the first time! The fact that I finally have this flower, the fact that it bloomed make this Sunday beautiful and sublime for me.


That's why I want to celebrate this day with some pictures with the first two flowers that made my day happy and fueled my passion.



For flower lovers there is a challege where they can post the best photos, #AlwaysAFlower, hosted by @dswigle.

This post was initially posted here but I think all my friends, wherever they are, should see it.


About me!
I am Dan and I live in Bucharest, Romania. Born in 1954, married and retired. My passions: Art (photography, film, music, painting), Travel and even Cooking.
Since English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical errors.

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nice photos :)

Thank you!

Ever since the Steem blockchain was cloned, I haven't been able to create new posts but I have one of a beautiful passion flower ready to go. They are beautiful flowers. You take nice photos.

Thank you!

I love passion flowers! I had a purple passion vine growing up the side of my chimney and along the back fence line in my house in Texas!

I don't blame you for loving them. The white is beautiful and the red don't seem to be prolific, but, the purple burst with vigor, every single one I have ever seen! Yours is absolutely stunning!

I may have to get another!! Thank you for visiting @alwaysaflower!!

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With pleasure! I'm glad we have the same passion.

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