Nutbox Proposal: Creation of a unique series of Nutbox NFT "Peanut Girl" and "PNUT Token" / Nutbox 提案:打造独一无二的 Nutbox NFT 系列“花生女孩”和“PNUT Token”

in hive-155234 •  4 years ago 


NFT Background Proposal / NFT 背景提案

In February of this year the Nutbox LATAM team with ambassador @ale.aristeguieta launched their first NFT in an animated format for Nutbox, this NFT was called "The Nutbox Squirrel" and was successfully sold by 90 Bake at Bakery Swap.

今年 2 月,Nutbox LATAM 团队与大使 @ale.aristeguieta 为 Nutbox 推出了他们的第一个动画格式的 NFT,这款 NFT 被称为“The Nutbox Squirrel”,并在 Bakery Swap 的 90 Bake 上成功销售。

This NFT is currently up for auction and has been revalued x2 now costing 165 BAKE in the BackerySwap market.

这个 NFT 目前正在拍卖,并已被重新估价 x2,现在在 BackerySwap 市场上花费 165 BAKE。


You can see the story behind the creation of the first Nutbox NFT here:

你可以在这里看到创建第一个 Nutbox NFT 背后的故事

This NFT was paid to the artist and then Nutbox was able to make use of the item by placing it up for auction for this new sale.

这个 NFT 支付给了艺术家,然后 Nutbox 能够通过将其放置在这次新拍卖中拍卖来使用该物品。

Currently, the NFT market is booming. Nutbox is in a very important development phase, and like every Blockchain company today, it must have its own series of NFTs representative of the PEANUT brand.

目前,NFT 市场正在蓬勃发展。 Nutbox 正处于非常重要的发展阶段,就像今天的每家区块链公司一样,它必须拥有自己的代表 PEANUT 品牌的 NFT 系列。

Not doing this is being left behind, Binance, Soccer Teams, big and small games and companies, even artists are already positioned in the NFT world. Being Nutbox also a DAO facilitator with NFT Factory, Nutbox must have a great representation in the world of NFTs.

不这样做就是被抛在后面,币安、足球队、大大小小的游戏和公司,甚至艺术家都已经在 NFT 世界中定位了。 作为 Nutbox 也是 NFT Factory 的 DAO 促进者,Nutbox 必须在 NFT 世界中具有重要的代表性。

The development facing Nutbox today is crucial, and all of its members are performing tasks like never before so that Nutbox can reach as many people as possible.

Nutbox 今天面临的发展至关重要,其所有成员都在执行前所未有的任务,以便 Nutbox 可以覆盖尽可能多的人。

The proposal of the NFTs comes to add to all this work. Today Nutbox has its own mining system, communities in all languages, belongs to the Kusama Network auctions, and more, the only ingredient that these great company needs are its own NFTs, a unique series that users will be able to preserve and revalue.

NFT 的提议增加了所有这些工作。 今天,Nutbox 拥有自己的挖矿系统、所有语言的社区、属于 Kusama 网络拍卖,等等,这些伟大的公司需要的唯一成分是它自己的 NFT,这是一个独特的系列,用户将能够保存和重新评估。

The first NFT Series can serve Nutbox as well so that it can later choose to enter larger NFT markets such as Treasure Land officially. Or the opportunity and inspiration for Nutbox to make its own NFT market with unique creations on his own blockchain.

第一个 NFT 系列也可以为 Nutbox 服务,以便它以后可以选择正式进入更大的 NFT 市场,例如宝地。 或者 Nutbox 在自己的区块链上通过独特的创作创造自己的 NFT 市场的机会和灵感。

The first NFT was uploaded and paid for the publication by the Nutbox LATAM team and later Nutbox Founder paid to the artist, then Nutbox auctioned the NFT for a higher price.

第一个 NFT 由 Nutbox LATAM 团队上传并支付出版费用,后来 Nutbox 创始人支付给艺术家,然后 Nutbox 以更高的价格拍卖了 NFT。

Next, we present the design prototype of the Peanut Girls and the PNUT Token.

接下来,我们将展示花生女孩和 PNUT Token 的设计原型。

Design Prototype: Peanut Girls



Design Prototype: PNUT Token



Community benefits / 社区福利。

Nutbox will already have its first unique series of NFT designs under the PEANUT brand, which will allow it to approach new users and investors from the NFT world.

Nutbox 将在 PEANUT 品牌下拥有其首个独特的 NFT 设计系列,这将使其能够接触 NFT 世界的新用户和投资者。

Having a unique series of NFT artistic pieces, Nutbox can choose to enter various NFT galleries and markets, already having a precedent in this field, with a unique series of representations of the Peanut brand. Nutbox can send this to an NFT market as important as Binance.

Nutbox拥有独特的NFT艺术作品系列,可以选择进入各个NFT画廊和市场,在该领域已经有先例,以PNUT品牌的独特系列表现。 Nutbox 可以将其发送到与 Binance 一样重要的 NFT 市场。

Nutbox will be able to auction the NFTs freely. The proposal to pay the artist in advance, allows Nutbox to auction said NFTs without any subsequent remuneration, thus keeping 100% of the auction profit, which it can use for its own development.

Nutbox 将能够自由拍卖 NFT。 提前向艺术家付款的提议允许 Nutbox 在没有任何后续报酬的情况下拍卖上述 NFT,从而保留 100% 的拍卖利润,可以用于自己的发展。

Nutbox LATAM will make a special Peanut Girl NFT that will be raffled in a special event for the entire Nutbox community in the community with more members such as Korea or Malaysia. This NFT will be unique like the other NFTs and will have only one edition.

Nutbox LATAM 将制作一个特别的花生女孩,将在社区中的整个 Nutbox 社区的特别活动中抽奖,其中包括韩国或马来西亚等更多成员。 这个 NFT 将像其他 NFT 一样独一无二,并且只有一个版本。

This will bring enthusiasm and motivation to the community to participate in the auctions and the special event.



For the development of the following NFT proposal. Nutbox LATAM team wants to request funding from PNUT for the design and complete culmination of the NFT Peanut Girls series and the PNUT Token, which will fully cover the complete artwork done for the NFT series.

用于制定以下 NFT 提案。 Nutbox LATAM 团队希望从 PNUT 申请资金,用于设计和完成 NFT 花生女孩系列和 PNUT 代币,这将完全涵盖为 NFT 系列完成的完整艺术品。

Nutbox LATAM also proposes to deliver the series of NFT designs in high-quality original files to the main representatives of the Nutbox core team such as its CMO @sunnyz and its founder @iguazi123 so that the highest representatives of Nutbox are the only and first owners of the NFT series, as the first to carry out the auctions.

Nutbox LATAM 还提议将 NFT 设计系列以高质量的原始文件交付给 Nutbox 核心团队的主要代表,如其 CMO @sunnyz及其创始人@iguazi123,以便 Nutbox 的最高代表成为该系列的唯一和第一所有者 NFT 系列。 ,作为第一个进行拍卖。

Nutbox LATAM imposes the condition of delivering the prize to the winning user of the NFT 1 month after the publication of the official Nutbox auction。 So that Nutbox can hold the first official auction of the NFT series.

Nutbox LATAM 规定了在 Nutbox 官方拍卖发布 1 个月后将奖品交付给 NFT 的获胜用户的条件。 这样 Nutbox 就可以举办 NFT 系列的第一次正式拍卖。

Funds Requested 资金要求

Steem ID : ale.aristeguieta
Tron ID:TL2mWgbrBQAtxqAGGh1sUuT8we212Jiiup
PNUT : 40,000 (40k)

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You've been injecting more value to PNUT token !

Yes, this is the idea to make more value for PNUT and Peanut brand! in the NFT world. Thanks a lot for your support!

This proposal deserves more reward!

Thanks a lot for your support! A proposal with great dedication for the entire community.

Me gusta este mundo de los NFT, estaré atenta a más información.

Muchas gracias por paricipar. La idea es que la propuesta sea aprobada por la comunidad de Nutbox. Le pedimos a todos los que delegan su SP a Nutbox nos ayuden a que se apruebe la propuesta. Gracias por el apoyo a la comunidad de Nutbox LATAM


Saludos Alexander, reciba mi admiración por tus logros, no soy alguien con tiempos ni con gran entendimiento de la plataforma de Steemit, ni de NutBox, pero con lo que he podido aprender, luego de mi registro en Steemit y de registrar una comunidad Vintage Rock Music (vintagerockmusic) incluso el hacer un seguimiento de los logros de muchos de los miembros de la comunidad Coreana SCT.암호화폐.Crypto comprendí lo indispensable de una plataforma de Daos por ello me registre en NutBox no he iniciado ninguna actividad pues debo primero aprender, ahora bien, tengo al menos dos proyectos que me gustaría compartir, por ello aquí te dejo mi e-mail al cual me gustaría me escribieras para yo poder hacer una clara exposición de mis proyectos. Saludos y gracias por adelantado.