✨David Dobrovitsky of Glitter Finance On The 5 Things That Can Be Done To Improve and Reform The Cryptocurrency Industry Glitter Finance的大卫·多布罗维特斯基(David Dobrovitsky)谈5件改善和改革加密货币行业可以做的事

in hive-155234 •  3 years ago 

An Interview With Tyler Gallagher

Hype needs to be put under control. Telling retail investors that “this token to the moon” is a bunch of nonsense. All retail investors need to be clearly told that in many ways crypto tokens are as volatile as penny stocks. Unless you are a truly experienced trader, have someone trading for you, or have funds set aside that you can lose without thinking twice about it, then you shouldn’t get into the market.

As part of my series about the “5 Things That Can Be Done To Improve and Reform The Cryptocurrency Industry” I had the pleasure of interviewing David (Ilya) Dobrovitsky.

David (Ilya) Dobrovitsky strives to be a positive change-maker in the crypto space. As a long-standing entrepreneur and startup developer, David has deep experience in business development, product placement, and product development. Currently, David is the CEO of Glitter, a Finance, a cross-chain bridge and platform which he co-created with his wife, Gail Dobrovitsky.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”?

Along and complicated time ago I was a classically trained violinist. Having made a complete circuit of Carnegie Hall and street performing, I decided to switch to business, which makes me far happier. What attracts me most is the ability to play with money, to make it accessible and not scary. In switching to business, I started on the lowest rung, starting in sales, business development, working corporate, and later doing operations and management.
很久以前,我是一名受过训练的古典小提琴家。在卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall)和街头巡回表演之后,我决定转行,这让我更快乐了。最吸引我的是操纵金钱的能力,让它容易获得而不可怕。在转行时,我从最底层开始,从销售、业务发展、公司工作开始,后来从事运营和管理工作。

Along the way I was constantly developing various startups on the side, being attracted by the spirit of change, innovation, and inspiration. I was following my nose for where the best growth was. Eventually I got into blockchain. At first, blockchain seemed like a techie insider club, not for those who don’t speak computer languages fluently. Then one day, my wife, who is an absolute visionary, got fed up with my complaining and told me that if I want in, make a road for the rest of us. That’s how the concept behind Glitter was born, and my goal became to build a bridge for everyone and their mother to be able to use crypto.
在这个过程中,我不断地发展各种初创,被变革、创新和灵感的精神所吸引。我一直跟着我的鼻子去寻找增长最好的地方。最终我进入了区块链。起初,区块链看起来像是一个技术内行俱乐部,不适合那些不会流利使用计算机语言的人。然后有一天,我的妻子,一个绝对有远见的人,厌倦了我的抱怨,她告诉我,如果我想进去,就为其他人走一条路。这就是Glitter 背后的概念的诞生方式,我的目标是为每个人建立一座桥梁,让他们能够使用加密货币。

Can you tell us the story of how you got first involved in blockchain and the cryptocurrency industry?

I had been working in cable engineering and business development. The company I had worked for was a major producer for highly engineered cables and supplied companies like Google, Amazon, etc. However, it was an economic downturn in the USA and so many people got laid off, including me. Several months had gone by and I couldn’t find a job that would be suitable, and so I decided to look for alternatives. I was hired by an Eastern European blockchain marketing and development firm that wanted more English-speaking clients.


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✨ About Glitter Finance || 關於 Glitter Finance✨

The vision of Glitter Finance is to increase capital efficiency between cross-chain bridges, by re-deploying synthetic assets created by the Glitter cross-chain bridge, into yield pools integrated into the Glitter Finance Platform.
✨ 🪙🔗🌉🔗🪙 ✨
A cross-chain bridge bridging multiple L1 ecosystems including Algorand, Solana, Terra, Polygon and Cudos.
Incorporating AI and machine learning in the Glitter Finance Platform will create an algorithmic trading platform, which will help novice traders.


Sook Jin GOH,
Community Manager 社群經理 @ Glitter Finance ,
Regional Ambassador for Malaysia 馬來西亞區域大使 @ Nutbox.io ,
CEO @ Nanyang Global Scientific Research Centre 南洋國際科研中心
Chinese Community Organizer 中文社區発起人 @ Hive Blockchain,

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