Translated from: 波卡生态中国行-Sunny演讲
Hello 大家好 首先谢谢主持人 也感谢咱们的主办方BML
Hello, everyone. First of all, I would like to thank the emcee and our host, BML
今天很开心来到合肥 也很开心见到这么多的现场的观众 很热情
I am very happy to be at Hefei today, and I am very happy to meet so many audiences here, (everyone is) very enthusiastic
那么熟悉我们波卡生态中国行的朋友们应该知道 在上一站西安站的时候 Nutbox做了一场分享
So our friends who are familiar with our Polkadot Ecology China tour should know that Nutbox had conducted a sharing session at the last stop in Xi’an.
We were mainly presenting on how all parties can better participate in the parachain slot auction.
And, that sharing session was well received then.
在接下来的一段时间当中 基于我们平行链插槽拍卖的 Slot Auction这个产品
In the following period of time, based on our Parachain Slot Auction product,
我们先后跟十几个比较知名的项目方进行了合作 包括刚刚分享的尔尔的Trustbase也跟咱们Nutbox有了比较深入的明确的合作
we have successively cooperated with more than a dozen well-known project developers, including Trustbase that Er Er had just shared, had also forged a deeper and definitive cooperation with Nutbox.
像Crust Plasm 包括Darwinia的话 我们都是深度合作的一个状态
Like Crust, Plasm, and Darwinia, we have forged strong partnerships with them
但其实我们在跟各个项目方包括说社区去沟通的过程当中 他们就会有一个疑问 Nutbox到底是什么 难道你们的产品就是 Slot Auction的这个产品吗
But in the process of communicating with various project developers, including the community, they all had one question in mind, that is, what is Nutbox? Is our product only about Slot Auction?
很明确地来讲 这个产品只是我们整个产品包里面非常小的一个模块 所以回归到最后
To be clear, this product is only a very small module in our entire product package, so I will return to it at the end.
我今天想要来跟大家聊一聊什么是Nutbox 我们都知道区块链从1.0到2.0经历了很长时间段的一个发展
Today, I want to talk about what Nutbox is. We all know that the blockchain has gone through a long time of development from 1.0 to 2.0.
在1.0的时候 比特币 我们从另外一个角度来看的话 可以把它理解成一个DAO 也就是一个去中心化的自治组织
In the time of 1.0., from another perspective, we can see Bitcoin as a DAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization.
在这个结构里面 我们能明确的看到其实在rpc层 我们1.0它是有一点点的可扩展性不太足以及可编程能力不太强这样的一些问题
In this structure, we can clearly see that actually in the rpc layer, 1.0 faces the issues of insufficient scalability and low programmability.
所以在2.0发展的时候 ETH引入了EVM 加入了智能合约模块 让我们的一些技术开发者能够非常简单的在ETH上 就是以太坊上 创建出自己的DAO 包括像Sushiswap Uniswap MakerDAO还有Compound这样的一些Dapp的话都是基于我们的这样的一个DAO平台搭建出来的
So in the development of 2.0, ETH introduced EVM and added a smart contract module so that technology developers can create their own DAO on Ethereum, including some Dapps like Sushiswap, Uniswap, MakerDAO, and Compound, which were all built based on a DAO platform like ours.
在这一层之后 我想来跟大家聊一聊 我们Nutbox想要做的就是整合Dapp和智能合约模块 为非技术的开发者 就是降低大家的参与门槛 为非技术的开发者提供这样一个非常简单的JavaScript库和智能合约库
After this layer, I want to talk to you about Nutbox. What we want to do is to integrate Dapp and smart contract modules to reduce the barriers to participation for non-technical developers, providing a very simple JavaScript library and smart contract library for them.
也就是分别对应到我们的前端和我们的工具包 让大家像使用Wordpress一样真正的实现一键拖拽 简单且快速地参与到区块链的发展当中
This corresponds to our front-end and our toolkit respectively, so that everyone can truly participate in the development of the blockchain simply and quickly with one-click drag and drop like using Wordpress.
所以从技术层面来看 Nutbox主要做的是一个跨链的一站式的DAO工具系统
So from a technical perspective, Nutbox mainly focuses on building a one-stop cross-chain DAO tool system.
在这个工具系统里面我们有非常明确的三个比较大的协议 也是上次跟大家分享过这次重点来讲一讲
In this tool system, we have three definitive major protocols, which we had shared the key points with you last time. Now I'll talk about it emphatically.
第一个就是Crowd Staking协议 第二个是Dapp协议 第三就是我们的DAO治理协议
The first is the Crowd Staking protocol, the second is the Dapp protocol, and the third is our DAO governance protocol.
基于这三个大的协议 我们任何一个社区都可以创建属于自己的去中心化质押应用 去中心化内容应用 社区DeFi以及各种类型的去中心化的应用 并且是通过一键拖拽非常简单的方式去生成的
Based on these three major protocols, any of our communities can create their own decentralized staking applications, decentralized content application, community DeFi and various types of decentralized applications. All these are generated by a very simple method with one-click drag and drop.
而且我们各类的应用都可以任意组合 你可以是质押加内容也可以是内容加DeFi可以任意地自由组合
In addition, our various applications can be combined arbitrarily. You can create staking plus content or content plus DeFi freely.
刚刚讲完了我们的产品包里面的三个核心协议之后 也来跟大家聊一聊我们基于这三个大的协议已经创建出已经跑出来的一个实例
I have just finished talking about the three core protocols in our product package, now I will also talk to you about an example that we have created based on these three major protocols.
因为这不仅仅是我们的构想 我们的产品 在Steem这条链上已经做出来了一个去中心化的质押平台 它叫做Peanut
As this is not just our idea, our product has already built a decentralized staking platform on the Steem blockchain, it is called Peanut.
我们可以看到应用这三个模块的话 分别在我们的Peanut上玩出了哪些好玩的东西
We can see that by applying these three protocols, what fun stuffs have been created on Peanut respectively
第一个就是质押挖矿 我们可以代理SP挖Pnut 大家可以看到apy很高 目前好像是大概60~70的样子
The first one is stake mining. We can mine PNUT by delegating SP. You can see that the APY is very high. Currently it seems to be about 60~70%.
最开始大概是200%多 最新的数据的话 大家可以通过我们的官网Nutbox.io可以进去看一看
Initially, it was about 200%. For the latest data, you can take a look at our official website
The second module is that our Dapp module can support Staking + DeFi
也可以玩社交媒体 这个很好玩
You can also play with social media. This is very fun.
你可以看一看 右边是我们前两天新发了一个博客
You can take a look, on the right side is a new blog we posted two days ago.
就是我们整个社区刚刚销毁了500万的Pnut 好像是1500万 最新的数据还没有出来
That is, our entire community has just burned 5 million PNUTs. Maybe 15 million. The latest data has not come out yet.
我们做这件事情 其实是通过回购通过销毁Pnut这样的一些行为 来为Pnut进行更多的价值支撑
We do this, in fact, it is through repurchase to burn PNUT and other actions, to provide more value support for PNUT.
而且如果作为个人的话 你在我们的博客上发表了一些内容之后 别人会来给你点赞
And as an individual, after you publish some content on our blog, others will come to upvote you.
别人给你的点赞越多 说明内容质量越高 你的内容质量越高 所获得的社区的奖励也就越高
The more upvotes other users give you, indicates the higher the quality of the content. The higher the quality of your content, the higher the community rewards you will receive.
所以基于这样的一个激励机制 和内容的一个模块的话 我们能让社区成员和整个社区更加紧密地联合起来
So based on such an incentive mechanism and a module of content, we can unite community members and the entire community more closely together.
最后就是我们的治理模块 治理模块也是我们在Peanut上探索的比较多的一个模块
The last is our governance module. The governance module is also one of the more explored modules on Peanut.
现在能看到右边一个比较新的数据 就是我们现在已经有18个提案真正的被我们的社区成员提出来 而且很大一部分有价值的提案是得到了整个社区30%的人以上的同意 所以能看到旁边有4个已通过的标签
Now we can see a relatively new data on the right. That is, we have 18 proposals that have been actually put forward by our community members, and a large part of the valuable proposals have been approved by more than 30% of the entire community, so you can see that there are 4 'passed' tags next to them.
These are some of our relatively new and high-quality proposals.
So who are the people that raised these proposals?
我们在社区里面做了贡献的 无论你是市场也好 运营也好 还是技术开发者也好
Those who have contributed to the community, whether you are a marketer, an operator, or a technology developer,
只要你为整个社区做了贡献 你就可以把你所做的事情写出来 写一个提案并且通过我们的DAO Fund去申请一个奖励
as long as you have contributed to the entire community, you can write up on what you have done, write a proposal and apply for a reward through our DAO Fund.
通过这个玩法 Peanut已经在全球建立起了8位全球大使的项目
In this way, Peanut has established a project of 8 global ambassadors around the world.
通过自己申请激励 而且自己自发性的为社区去做事情 我们8位大使持续不断地长达四五个月的时间 一直在为Peanut进行内容方面的 市场方面的输出 当然成绩也是比较好
By applying for incentives themselves, and doing things for the community spontaneously, our 8 ambassadors have been producing content and marketing output for Peanut continuously for four to five months. Of course, the results are also relatively good.
在两个月的上线 两个月的时间之内 Peanut就迅速地成为了Steem链上第二大的代理机构 这是两个月的时间就成长到了这样的一个规模
Within two months from launching, Peanut quickly became the second most delegated institute on the Steem blockchain. It has grown to such a scale within two months time.
我们能看到Tivu和Upvu的话 是用了2~3年的时间才走到了第一和第三的这样的一个位置
We can see that Tivu and Upvutook 2~3 years to get to the first and third place.
我们能看到这样的一个机制 以及说比较合理的一个激励制度的话 能给社区带来怎样的一个价值和速度
We can see what value and speed that such a mechanism and a reasonable incentive system can bring to the community.
在过去的5个月 TVL也是持续快速地增长的过程当中目前最新数据的话我们的质押量已经达到了660万的一个TVL 整体的市值是超过了400万美元
In the past 5 months, TVL has also continued to grow rapidly. According to the latest data, our staked amount of TVL has reached 6.6 million. The overall market value is more than 4 million U.S. dollars.
我想在这里先问大家一个问题就是 提到DAO的时候 大家脑子里想到的一些工具 它是更偏治理的 还是更偏应用的 大家觉得它是更偏治理还是更偏应用的
I would like to ask everyone a question first. When mentioning DAO, the tools that immediately come to your mind, are they more governance-oriented or more application-oriented? Do you think it is more governance-oriented or more application-oriented?
Ok其实我们能看得到 市面上对于DAO一个工具的理解 更多的觉得 你不就是做提案的嘛 你不就是做投票治理的嘛
Ok, in fact, we can see that regarding the understanding of DAO as a tool in the market, people are more inclined to think that it's just for making proposals and voting governance
所以很多的产品它都是集中在治理这个模块 包括我们所熟知的DAOstack 以及说我们的Aragon 然后Snapshot 都是集中在治理模块
Therefore, many products are focused on the governance module, including the DAOstack that we are familiar with and Aragon, and also Snapshot are all focused on the governance module.
It provides a single or integrated governance product for many DAOs and many online companies.
在偏应用的这一类 我们也了解了也研究了很久 发现比较成熟的是一个 Ankr的项目
In the category of applications-inclined (products), we have also learned and studied for a long time, and found that a more established one is a project called Ankr.
Ankr的项目他是偏应用类的 它为很多的DAO提供节点服务 帮他们搭建节点并且为他们提供API这样的应用
Ankr’s project is application-oriented. It provides node services for many DAOs, helps them build nodes and provides them with applications such as APIs.
所以整个市面上来看的话 Nutbox的定位比较特别 我们想要做偏应用类的集成的这样的一个工具
So if you look at the whole market, Nutbox’s positioning is quite special. We want to create an integral application-oriented tool.
任何一个非技术创始人 就是技术类或者非技术类创始人 都可以通过我们这样的一个工具像在Uniswap上创建交易对一样去生成你的DAO 去创建你的Dapp 去组合你的Dapp 让你的社区玩起来
Any non-technical founder, well, technical or non-technical founders alike, can use our tool to generate your DAO just like creating a trading pair on Uniswap, to create your Dapp, to combine your Dapp, and let your community play around with it.
但是在这条道路上的探索我们是经过了很长时间的 从18年到现在经历了三四年的一段时间
But we have spent a long time for exploration on this path. From 2018 till now, we have been through a period of three or four years.
最开始我们在应用上开发出了Wherein这样一款产品 现在已经是公链社交类的Dapp的全球第7的一个成绩 也是Steem的前21个超级节点
At the beginning, we developed a product like Wherein on the app. Now it is in the 7th place among public blockchain social Dapp in the world, and it is also one of the top 21 supernodes of Steem.
Whereas on the path based on social media, we have also developed a local social media such as Ooops.
在去年2020年的时候 大家都知道DeFi火起来了 他有了一个非常落地的应用场景
Last year, in 2020, everyone knew that DeFi was on fire. It had a very practical application scenario.
所以非常迅速的我们团队把DeFi的模块整合到了我们的体系里面 应运而生Peanut出来了
So very quickly our team integrated the DeFi module into our system, and hence Peanut came into being.
也是刚刚跟大家讲的 两个月的时间成为Steem的第二大代理机构 5个月的时间TVL达到了650万 最高的时候是700万
And I just briefed you previously that it became Steem’s second most delegated institution in two months time, with TVL reaching 6.5 million in 5 months time, and the highest ever reached was 7 million.
所以在探索Peanut 在探索DAO的工具系统的过程当中 我们发现任何一条链 无论是波卡的平行链也好还是Steem也好 还有ETH2.0的任何类型的链也好 他都能生成像Peanut一样的社区
So in the journey of exploring Peanut and the DAO tool systems, we found that any blockchain, whether it is Polkadot's parachain or Steem, or any type of ETH2.0 blockchains, they all can generate a community like Peanut.
所以我们2.0要做的事情就是 让每一个想要创建Peanut的人 能够快速地生成它 并且把它玩起来
So what we need to do in 2.0 is to enable everyone who wants to create Peanut to quickly generate it and play with it.
You can see that on this timeline, we will officially launch the version 2.0 in September this year.
大家能看到这个时间轴 我们在今年9月份的时候2.0的版本会正式的上线
所以刚刚讲的就不是纯粹的构想 已经是非常落地的事情了
So what I just talked about are not mere concepts, they are already implemented.
而且我们7月份的时候 也就是接下来的两周的时间 会正式上线测试网
And we will officially launch in the testnet in the next two weeks in July
我们希望在正式上线2.0版本之前 把一些问题给解决掉
We hope to solve some of these problems before officially launching version 2.0
所以到时候我们会支持波卡 以及在第4个季度会支持波卡的平行链 会支持Kusama 会支持Steem和ETH2.0这样的一些链 大家可以期待一下
So by then we will support Polkadot, and in the fourth quarter we will support the parachains of Polkadot, we will support Kusama, and we will support some blockchains like Steem and ETH2.0. You can look forward to it.
如果有朋友要去下一场的 我们波卡中国行的上海站的话 那个时候就可以给大家正式的去演示我们2.0版本的一些功能和应用 以及界面任何一个社区
If anyone is going to the next session, the Shanghai station of our Polkadot China tour, then we can formally demonstrate some of the functions and applications of our version 2.0, as well as any community on the interface.
任何一个有组织的或者是项目方也好 都可以通过我们的2.0创建出属于你自己的Peanut
Any organization or project developer can create your own Peanut through our 2.0.
当然这是一个案例 你想任意的组合都okay
Of course this is just an example. It is okay for you to come up with any combination.
那么说回到最后 我们今天来参加的是 波卡的万链互连链享未来的 这样的一个主题活动
So lastly, today we are here to participate in this Polkadot event whose theme is "Interconnecting all Blockchains, Sharing the Future".
我们都知道波卡自己的定位是万链之王 它未来会接入ETH 比特币这样的链
We all know that Polkadot envision itself as the King of all blockchains. It will be connected to chains like ETH and Bitcoin in the future.
那么在这个过程当中 我们的社区 我们的用户 怎么参与到我们波卡的一个发展当中
So in this process, how can our community and our users participate in the development of Polkadot?
很简单 第一步的话就是运用我们的简单的这样的一个协议工厂 搭建出属于你自己的去中心化的平台
Very simple. The first step is to use our simple protocol factory to build your own decentralized platform.
The second step is to actually connect to Polkadot through Nutbox network.
到那个时候的话 我们的社区也好 平行链也好 都可以搭建属于自己的社交媒体模块 也就像我们刚刚提到的
By then, our community or parachain can build our own social media modules like what we just mentioned,
我们非常期待真正的Web3.0时代的到来 也期待万链互连 链享未来那一刻的到来
We are very much looking forward to the arrival of the real Web3.0 era, and also looking forward to the realization of the Interconnection of All Blockchains and Sharing the Future.
也希望我们到时候的所有的DAO组织 能通过Nutbox链接到 Web3.0 而且是一键链接到Web3.0
We also hope that all the DAO organizations will be able to connect to Web3.0 through Nutbox, and connect to Web3.0 in one-click.
那么最后我也想打一个小小的广告 我们在开发的过程当中 其实也是紧锣密鼓了 然后会把很多的精力都会放在2.0的开发之上
Lastly, I would like to run a small advertisement. We are in the process of development, which is actually pretty intensive. And we will put in a lot of efforts on the development of (Nutbox) 2.0.
按照我们的时间轴的话 希望有更多的开发人员 以及说社区运营的经验人员的话 可以加入Nutbox 来为大家link到Web3.0作出一点点贡献 来为波卡生态做一点点助力
According to our timeline, we hope that there will be more developers and people with experience in running communities to join Nutbox and make a little contribution to linking everyone to Web3.0, and to assist with the Polkadot ecology.
所以大家如果感兴趣的话可以扫描屏幕上方左右两边的二维码 来加入到我们Nutbox的讨论
So if you are interested, please scan the QR code on the top left and right sides of the screen to join our Nutbox discussion group.
如果有有志之士地话 也非常期待能够加入Nutbox的发展 谢谢
For enthusiasts, I look forward to you participating in the development of Nutbox too. Thank you.
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