Translated from 热点 | Nutbox助力BML社区高效参与Kusama拍卖
The Development and Testing Progress of Nutbox Crowdloan
Kusama Parachain Slot Auction is about to start. To help the community encourage more users to participate and support the auction, Nutbox will open the Crowdloan product module for community use.
Nutbox's Crowdloan product module allows the community to easily create their own Crowdloan cards to support specific parachain slot auctions.
By participating in the parachain slot auction through the Crowdloan card created by the community, not only can users receive the rewards of the parachain, but also the rewards from the community. The community can also cooperate with specific parachains to support its slot auctions and obtain additional rewards from parachains.
Nutbox makes the community the most important parachain slot auction participant next to project developers and exchanges, allowing the community to promote the ecological development of Polkadot.
Nutbox x BML Community
Nutbox collaborated with the BML community to create a module that supports its community users to participate in Acala, Plasm, Phala and other parachain slot auctions.
Welcoming more Polkadot communities to create their Crowdloan module on Nutbox.
About Nutbox
Nutbox is a one-stop DAO factory for the community, providing non-technical founders with a series of tool components (Crowd-staking, DApp factory, DAO governance factory) to make it easy for them to create their own DAO platforms.
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