Education Beyond The Walls of School

in hive-155868 •  3 years ago 


Hello friend
This is simply an attempt to raise the bar of Education. As graduates from different Institutions spread across and without the nation, it's expedient that we accept this truth - education has long gone beyond the walls of a particular school or classroom to explicate the intentional exercise of acquiring knowledge, skills-set, values, and attitudes.

Often, when we hear the word, 'education', what comes to our minds is being a student in a particular school with a time frame of subjects designated to be taught. While that is right, education doesn't stop there. Education goes out to mean learning, schooling, coaching, training, drilling, preparation, etc.

What does that tell you? Education cuts across the different activities geared towards advancing the life of an individual and his society in the long-run.

At this point, I would like to state that a factor worthy of note in the terminology underscore is 'learning'. Education is basically about learning - learning is both a process and an outcome.

As a process, learning is what you do every day when you expose your mind to something new or try to revisit something you already know. On the other hand, learning as an outcome talks about what you become or attract as a result of your acquisition of knowledge.


In a nutshell, when you release your mind to learn something, you're making attempts to become educated in that particular area of study.

Get your mind off this ideology, 'education ends in school', and face the reality staring defiantly at you. Education is beyond the scope of activities in school. How do you comfortably limit your growth to what you learn in school alone?

The advancement of any society is largely dependent on young people like you and me who are committed to training their minds to become the change they wish to see thereby going the extra mile to acquire relevant and necessary knowledge needed to become, first a better person, then a good citizen.

I see several young people in today's world, who are not willing to commit themselves to learn new things or improve already existing knowledge. They are either complacent or have failed to realise that one needs to update his/her knowledge, skills, values, or habits at every point in time because that's what growth is about - consistent update of knowledge.

You just have not realised how much influence your life can command because you haven't stretched your mind to think beyond what your tutors taught you in school to what you can learn to make you a better person and increase your chances of contributing meaningfully to the society you live in.

In my candid opinion, Education is supposed to make the educated individual worthy in character and learning.

Therefore, when we see an individual who claims to be educated and yet lacks certain character traits like integrity, commitment, empathy, etc., we should be forced to ask, "what exactly have you been educated on?". On the same note, when someone claims to have gone through an educational process, he should be asked, "what learning are you worthy of?".

How do you say you're educated when your thoughts patterns and attitudes towards life are still backward?

It's high time you started to remind yourself that you have a role to play in Nation building and not until you embrace education beyond the walls of a school, you might not be able to achieve that goal.

This article has been put out to remind every young person out there that they have a responsibility to play in our Nation and the World at large. This responsibility begins from possessing a hunger for progressive acquisition of the right knowledge and experiences. In the real sense, this is what education brings to the table.

The time has come for youths from all walks of life to stand tall in the uniqueness of their professions and make important contributions to humanity.

Howbeit, this same set of young people we clamour for in various helms of leadership have refused to learn the rudiments of service delivery wrapped up in the right combinations of learning aimed at adding value to one's life and improving performances?

For you reading this right now, become committed to personal growth and capacity building aimed at societal advancement.

Do not walk out of this content without putting out to yourself the specific area of your life where you currently need education.

"Do I need to improve my knowledge, skills, attitude, habit, and values?".

Begin your learning or relearning process now. While at it, these points would be of great help to you:

  1. Education is an intentional process of acquiring new knowledge or updating already existing knowledge.

  2. Renew your mindset and start to see education as a tool for becoming worthy in character and learning.

  3. Be committed to learning new and better ways of doing things.

  4. Appreciate your unique abilities, develop them through pieces of training and maximise them for the benefit of your society.

  5. Become genuinely interested in personal growth and Nation building.

You might want to top up the list. Nevertheless, these five points are a good foundation to build on.

Thank you.

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