The Mayor of Banda Aceh Claims the Percentage of Covid-19 Cure Above the World Average

in hive-157940 •  4 years ago 

Corona patient quarantine hospital in Aceh. © 2020 AFP PHOTO / CHAIDEER MAHYUDDIN

Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman shared the good news. He claimed that the cure rate for Covid-19 cases in the provincial capital of Aceh was above the world's average percentage.

"The percentage recovery rate for positive Covid-19 patients in Banda Aceh is still above the world average," Aminullah said in Banda Aceh, Sunday (18/10). As reported by Antara.

Aminullah said, based on the Worldometers page on Saturday (17/10) the total number of Covid-19 currently stands at 39.5 million cases. Of these, 1.1 million cases of death and 29.6 million patients (74.9 percent) have been declared cured. Meanwhile, the current number of active cases is 8.8 million, of which 8.7 million are mild and 71,319 in critical condition.

For Aceh, Aminullah said, based on data from the Aceh Health Office, the number of Covid-19 cases to October 16 2020 was 6,252 cases. The cure rate was 4,146 cases (66.3 percent) and 226 cases died (3.6 percent).

While in Banda Aceh, up to October 17, 2020, 1,839 cases were confirmed, including 1,403 people recovered (76.3 percent), 64 people died (3.5 percent), and a total of 372 patients during treatment.

Although the accumulated cases of infected patients have not shown a decreasing graph, the number of recovered patients has also continued to increase.

"From this we can claim that Banda Aceh was successful in terms of its handling. But it doesn't stop there, we still have to catch up with the national figure," he said.

Aminullah asked all those involved in the Banda Aceh COVID-19 alert team to do more vigorous raids on health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds.

"In this case we also ask all levels of society to work together in preventing the spread and breaking the chain of the corona virus in Banda Aceh," said the man who is familiarly called Bang Carlos.

In supporting the government's efforts, Aminullah hopes that residents will continue to be disciplined in wearing masks every time they do activities, temporarily refrain from making a crowd or gathering like in coffee shops, cafes or the like.

"Thus, Banda Aceh can get a plus assessment from the center so that it can be categorized into the green zone at the end of this October," he said.

Wisnoe Moerti, Journalist

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