'Trash' prank by Youtuber and inhuman jokessteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-157940 •  4 years ago 

The development of social media today has given birth to many creative workers. No exception in the country.


YouTube has become one of the most popular social media that is now used by many people to create a variety of content. Either about the daily life of the account owner, stories about other people, or elevating the social reality around him. From the content they create, the coffers of wealth flow for the account owner.

As a refresher on your YouTube content, account owners often also display funny stories containing jokes or jokes. This kind of content is often mentioned as a prank.

But lately, prank content displayed by a number of YouTube account owners or called YouTubers has led to problems. Because, the issues mentioned in the prank content are considered inhuman.

As has been done by a Youtuber from Bandung, Ferdian Pelaka. In his YouTube content, Ferdian and a number of friends shared what he originally called food for two transgender people on the corner of the city of Bandung last Ramadan.

Apparently, the intended food package only contained rubbish and stones. A video titled 'Prank Loves Food to Sissy CBL' was uploaded by Ferdian on his YouTube channel and became a talk of citizens.

Many netizens consider the content to be very insensitive because many citizens need help amid the Covid-19 virus pandemic. As a result of his actions, Ferdian was thrown in jail but has now been released.

Recently, a similar action by Ferdian Pelaka was also carried out by a Youtuber from Palembang, Edo Putra. In the Edo Putra Official channel, he made content distributing sacrificial meat bags filled with rubbish with the title 'PRANK FOR MEAT TO THE FOUR CONTINUES OF GARBAGE'. The action was widely condemned to make the police intervene.

"Yes, we have secured the perpetrators," said the Palembang police chief, Senior Commissioner Pol Anom Setyadji.

Anom explained that the arrest was made because the Edo action on Youtube was considered unsettling to many parties. In addition, there was a lot of pressure from the public to catch the perpetrators.

"We immediately followed up because it was criticized by many parties," he said.

After the inspection, Edo claimed to have told his mother before he was made a victim of prank meat filled with garbage. But to account for his actions, Edo was finally named a suspect.

"We are using articles about lies and decency. The threat is ten years in prison," Anom said, Monday (3/8) yesterday.

Besides Edo, his colleague named Diky Firdaus (20) was also named a suspect with the same threat. In the prank action, the suspect Diky acted as a video shooter or cameraman.

"They intend to joke but unsettle many parties. We arrest them after the video is uploaded to Youtube," he concluded.

After becoming a suspect, Edo claimed to regret his actions. But rice has become porridge. Edo must be responsible for his actions.

"I apologize and regret making the content. I told you, my mother refused, but I still did, then I uploaded the video," Edo said, regretting his actions.

The prank phenomenon with inappropriate behavior is also a serious concern for Social Media Observer, Ismail Fahmi. According to him, prank is indeed nothing new in a Youtube content. Although sometimes the stories in the prank that are displayed are inappropriate, but there are still many viewers.

"The prank was actually not only recently, it has been a long time. A lot of cases have occurred, and it is getting high subscribers and high views. This is the problem," Fahmi explained in a conversation with merdeka.com, Tuesday (4/8) .

He admitted, not infrequently prank content received criticism from the public. Youtube itself, he said, also had difficulty disciplining content such as prank.

"Create your own Youtube prank-prank is one of the diseases that are difficult to cure. Because, YouTuber is when someone makes content, his mind is simple, can subscribe to a lot and view a lot. Their two currencies, this is what they are after," he said.

"But if they are serious, they will learn, will see how to become successful," he explained.

But for some account owners who want to succeed quickly on Youtube, it is not uncommon to become prank content so that many people watch it.

"Because it is easy and cheap and then it becomes a controversy. After becoming a controversy there are two, subscribe to rise then he can be likable and then he becomes good," Fahmi said.

So that the contents of this prank can be disciplined, Fahmi hopes that those who present prank with excessive jokes to be prosecuted legally.

"If it is excessive, it must be arrested because this is unsettling. Also, it is necessary to have strict laws for them, if released it will be repeated again. Then there must be a deterrent effect," concluded Fahmi.

Sociologist Sigit Rochadi added, the prank action in Indonesia was highly criticized because the Indonesian people were living together where social control was very strong.

"Social solidarity is strong, so the prank is considered to be working on embarrassing because the surrounding control is strong," he said when contacted merdeka.com.

"Let's say that giving something to the poor to people needs, of course that person hopes for what was given earlier, but the reality is that they are not just embarrassed for being hit prank but disappointed because their hopes are not fulfilled because of the growing pile of suffering, especially in a concerned economic condition," he explained.

According to him, Indonesian people need time to understand the true meaning of prank. But he also does not agree if prank touches on sensitive issues.

"Don't prank about religion, advice, social inequality. It should be avoided," concluded Sigit.


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