Web Funnel Spiders

in hive-159906 •  9 months ago 

Funnel web spiders are one of the most common types of spiders found in Australia. His character does not hesitate to hurt anyone who approaches him. In two weeks there have been two spider attacks in a number of locations in Australia.

Australiawerntrafon, one of the organizations that specifically handles this problem, has created a spider venom antidote program to protect residents. The antidote is produced by utilizing the spider's own venom.

What we do is rub the spider, then the poison will accumulate and drip through the web. Then we will take the poison through a small pipette." Even though there have been two attacks, there have been no fatalities due to attacks from this animal.

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The production of this antidote has been carried out for 40 years.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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