RE: Dozens of Red Insects Bring Prey Together into the Nest

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Dozens of Red Insects Bring Prey Together into the Nest

in hive-159906 •  last month 

It's no use explaining, an animal like you will never understand human language, because you were not equipped with a brain when God created you.

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In that case, you will have to excuse me if I break the rules as I have no way of knowing what they are.

So don't act like you know everything, you have to realize that you are an animal.

I don’t know everything. I don’t know the rules because you won’t share them with me. If only you’d tell me then my knowledge would be complete and I would know everything.

I already know that I’m an animal. It’s pretty common knowledge really. I also know that you’re a plagiarist who passes off other people’s work as their own. Is that in your rule book?

So what's wrong with my selfie photo, which you all have downvoted. What right do you have to donvote on my selfie photo?

Is that against the rules?

Of course, since it's a photo of an insect that I took, on what basis did you downvote?

I haven't heard that rule. Where did you learn it?

I see that you downvoted my efforts to improve, on what basis did you downvote that?

Don't beat around the bush, answer what I asked, why did you downvote my insect post? give a reasonable reason.