Humour and laughter are the antidote to a stressful life. When possible, where possible, laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years.
If you are having one of those days where you are finding it hard to laugh, have a look at the following. Maybe that will bring on a chuckle, or a smile at least.
May your days be filled with laughter.

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Wanted: Someone to brush their teeth with me because nine out of ten dentists say brushing alone won’t help tooth decay. - Unknown
If you can’t think of a word say, “I forgot the English word for it.” That way, people will think you are bilingual instead of an idiot. - Unknown
You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott
Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense. - Helen Rowland
When a man brings his wife flowers for no reason, there’s a reason. - Molly McGee
Brevity is the soul of lingerie. - Dorothy Parker
Guys are like dogs. They keep coming back. Ladies are like cats. Yell at a cat one time...they’re gone. - Lenny Bruce
Without stupid people we would have no-one to laugh at. Take the time and thank a stupid person for their contribution. - Unknown
A smile is a sign of joy, a hug is a sign of love, a laugh is a sign of happiness and a friend like me… well… that’s a sign of good taste. - Unknown
Before marriage, a man will lay down his life for you; after marriage he won’t even lay down his newspaper. - Helen Rowland

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All quotes taken from 👉Here - my very own collection.