Humorous Quips

in hive-159906 •  3 months ago 

Life can be difficult and stressful. For some, life is a constant struggle. However, after the storm, the sun will shine again. And come what may, Life goes on. Meanwhile, try to relax, and take it easy – laugh and be happy.

Here are some phrases that are witty, funny, and at the same time, have quite a bit of truth in them. Have a look, see if you can find the humour in them. Maybe they can put a smile on your face, and help you forget about your troubles for a while.

May your days be filled with laughter.

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Being over seventy is like being engaged in a war. All our friends are going or gone and we survive amongst the dead and the dying as on a battlefield. - St. Jerome

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. - Robert A. Heinlein

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income. - Errol Flynn

Hot water is my native element. I was in it as a baby, and I have never seemed to get out of it ever since. - Edith Sitwell

Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid. - Michael Crichton

The trouble with half-truths is that people tend to believe the wrong half. - Unknown

If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough. - Mario Andretti

Families are like fudge – mostly sweet with a few nuts. - Unknown

Any young man who is unmarried at the age of twenty-one is a menace to the community. - Brigham Young

Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems. - Scott Adams

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All quotes taken from 👉Here - my very own collection!

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