Our relationships with other people constitute one of the fundamental aspects of our lives. After all, we human beings are social creatures. Unfortunately, many factors stand in the way of our relationship with people; conflicting self-interest, inhibition, attitude problems, cynicism, scepticism, inability to listen, intolerance towards individual differences... The list goes on. These and many more other human follies keep us from building meaningful relationships.
Relationships are always complicated. Any sort of relationship takes work – a lot of work. Be it between couples, lovers, siblings, friends, parents and children, or simply just two individuals. If people have no idea what a relationship entailed, they will have problems maintaining the relationship.

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Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take. - Anthony Robbins
Through words we come to know the other person – and to be known. This knowing is at the heart of our deepest longings for intimacy and connection with others. How relationships unfold with the most important people in our lives depends on courage and clarity in finding voice. - Harriet Lerner
A boat is never truly deemed seaworthy unless it has survived the wildest of storms, not by its age or how pretty it looks to you or others on the out. The sturdiest of relationships are never the ones that are the smoothest sailing. - Unknown

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All quotes are from 👉 HERE- my personal collection which I started in my school days.