Hey! How much are my NFTs worth? 😇

in hive-159906 •  4 years ago 


I've never dabbled with NFTs. Neither am I a gaming buff nor an art guy. I haven't even bothered to check NFTShowroom on Hive and rarely visited websites like OpenSea and Rarible though I once thought to invest in RARI token.

I know people are earning a lot in NFT marketplaces and I do want to make some money 🤑. But probably, NFTs ain't my calling.

I do possess some NFTs on different chains but all those were gifted to me in some airdrop or some promotions.

Today, I happened to visit NFT marketplace on Conflux chain. I'm lucky to hold a Genesis NFT for MoonSwap as I was an early participant in their ecosystem. So I was airdropped the following NFT some months back. I don't know what to do of it, so it was just lying idle in my wallet.


MoonSwap Genesis NFT #992

It was the first time today that I tried to check its market prices. I was taken by surprise to see several Genesis cards on sale from as low as 5000 cMOON to as high as 1.2 M cMOON.

Honestly, for me even 5000 cMOON is a very good deal. But going by others' prices, I wonder if I'm undervaluing it!

On a side note, MOON is damn cheap these days. It was selling just for 10 - 11 cents. Only today it recovered to 14 cents. But with just 10M in supply, a $1.4M market cap is on a lower side.

MoonSwap is an Ethereum second layer AMM with GAS-free transactions and a lots of development & strategic partnerships. I know, most people want to stay away from second layer projects but 10 cents per coin is too low to ignore it anyway. If I had some money, I'd have happily put some of it in it. I love the implementation of Kepler protocol which claims to make the capital utilization to 100% as compared to Uniswap's 20% currently. Staking MOON gives an attractive 36% APY.

Con Dragon NFT

Recently, ConDragon game was announced. It's the first game of “Defi+NFT+RPG” on Conflux chain.

And since I hold the Genesis NFT card, I was airdropped following animal:


Swamp Dragon #29342

These cards are also on sell in the market for 300 - 500 cMOON. I dunno, what it's worth and what's its utility in this game ecosystem. But today, I just staked it to earn some more mining rewards ...until I figure out what to do of it!

Oh, and I also got this Burn Ignite card on IOTEX chain:


Will I ever be able to figure out the true value of NFT cards? Are these some precious gems or worthless stones? How can I sell them before I figure out what these are!!!

Can you help me figure out how NFTs are valued?

Thank you!

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Very good article, hard to understand what's realy Nft and how to trade it, this question it's very important to know what Nft and how to trade it?

Please look up for non-fungible tokens.