Focus on the muscles not the face lol...
Nothing to see, just a weird push-up position right? Lol, it definitely seems so until you have tried these position before, trust me: this is one of the most effective ways to tone up your already built muscles or maybe it build muscles from the scratch too. I might not know as a one time Gym junkie, this is my indoor routine not a gym stuff for me anyways. I do not have a pull-up bar in my apartment, it sucks and there's no other way out to pump the biceps, hence normal pushups didn't cut, then I stick to these style which after two rounds of 10 reps your shoulder and biceps will completely shut down lol.
So I turned the living room into my workout space, its the largest open space I have. Our apartment designs in these city don't have too much space lying around, landlords and landladies will consider them waste of resources(haha). Also no verandahs, no balcony or corridors, maybe I'm just unlucky with my choice of flat but to the best of my knowledge it's same song same dance for 80% apartment in the city where I live. Maybe I'll get to move out and rent a bigger apartment with my own personal gym someday when Hive moons(lol), no jokes but I really want to have my own personal gym with a pull-up bar fixed in it.
In the absence of a pull-up bar, I
do this extremely strenuous routine because I can't afford to fix one on the concrete walls of this apartment, plus my landlady will go to war with me.
There's nothing really spectacular about this push-up position, just that the elevated legs on the stool puts more weights on the shoulder, the biceps and the arms. This is why its more tougher than conventional flag press up, and you spend double of the energy to push the body up than in the normal one, hence its like the tougher version.
My little trick is, I do it to round up my workout routine because it makes me more numb and sore. As I compose this my hands and shoulders are still vibrating, trust me if you miss a day or two out of this routine the next one you do is like hell.
My whole body aches, but they say no pain no gain. Before getting this angle of shots too was another monumental task, but here I am with the best shot I could get for my weekend engagement original content. Do not mind my shots, they were taken with a low quality camera mobile device lol. The first image shows my bulging muscles after my Sunday workout, I really miss the Gym, but for now I can't afford the new one I found with more advanced gym equipments to help me fasten my tone up.
My list of home workout equipment keeps growing but there are other wants, top of my list is a set of dumbells from 2kg to 25kg or more. Also I need a bench for curls and some special sit-ups, a pull-up bar is a vital one, with these I might have no need for heavy lifting. I can't afford to be bulky again, except if I decide to go into muscle building properly which seems too late for me in my mid 30s!