It's No Secret - The Devil's Source Lacks Detail

in hive-160867 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hitlerite conspiracy theorist and former police investigator Dionne Moller hates Jews with a passion, even dead ones. It's No Secret - The Devil's Source Lacks Detail.

Dealing With Deviants

Tommy Robinson made it his mission, even from the very earliest days of the EDL, to highlight the industrialised gang rape, pimping and abuse of vulnerable children by Muslim gangs. People who have followed Tommy's activism over the years will have no doubt that it was his voice and those of the people who followed him, that forced this disgusting and depraved practice to be reported on in mainstream media.

Dionne Moller, an ex-policewoman, had made some videos highlighting how Muslim gangs were/are raping vulnerable British children. One of Dionne's YouTube videos actually reached out to Tommy Robinson, asking him for a platform to speak out against Muslim's who gang-rape children. One of Tommy's team members got in touch with Dionne, given the fact that she is an ex-police officer who supported Tommy and his cause it made sense to start a dialogue with her. Dionne could also give a voice to the voiceless victims of child rape. Tommy watched a couple of her videos, and he was impressed by what he had seen and heard of her. As an ex-police officer, her voice would carry some weight.

The team at TR.News have to be self-critical, we have to be honest, we have to reflect and learn as we carry on with our mission. Not enough due diligence and research was carried out on Dionne Moller. We thought that an ex-Police officer would be a reasonably safe bet to help expose the rampant child rape going on across the UK, particularly with an angle to hold Police forces to account.

Dionne Given A Platform

During some ongoing back and forth with one of Tommy's team members, Dionne wanted some proof that the person she was talking to was, in fact, legitimate, and not some spoof reporter or someone who had any ill intentions. Of course, this seemed a reasonable request at the time, the very nature of the Nationalist/Patriotic anti-Islmaisation game is a minefield, the Government, the Police, the far-left the real far-right and even those in-between look to find a way in and damage our cause. Their agenda is to de-legitimise, defame, discredit and drown out our message, also to seduce supporters and push them to the fringes, maybe even pushed into extremism.

The political class want and need us to be viewed as toxic in the court of public opinion. So, anyway, Dionne asked for some proof so she could be sure Tommy was interested in her giving a speech on stage, next to the bus, right outside the Old Bailey. Tommy sent her this video confirming the legitimacy of the contact and to thank her for reaching out to us.


Now that Dionne knew the contact was legitimate, this is how she responded:
Well, I'm very much looking forward to meeting you both. By the way, an ex police Sargeant would also like to say a few words on the 4th. They are slowly coming out of the woodwork, and I'm sure that after the 4th, there will be many who dare to stand up. I have prepared a killer speech, and I'm very very grateful for the opportunity to be able to speak truth to power on the day. Very best wishes. Keep safe.
Dionne has used the video footage above to legitimise herself and to give herself props, also and perhaps ultimately to defame and besmirch Tommy since her "transition" to "Team Collett". In fact, Dionne makes a video and tells her three thousand subscribers that she has produced plenty of anti-Jewish material before being contacted by TR.News and Tommy himself. This on its face seems to be a little disingenuous because she seemed quite happy to be on Tommy's stage, using his platform for self-promotion. The bus screen behind her promoted Tommy's new upcoming documentary SHALOM, the story of a BRITISH Jewish man, persecuted to death in a London Muslim borough for daring to live his life as a Jew. The bus screen was big enough to see, even for the most optically challenged. Oh, and she turned up alone, WITHOUT an ex-Police sergeant.
Dionne - The Shalom Bus
Dionne - The Shalom Bus

A Secret Source Or A Conspiratorial Catastrophe?

Since Tommy decided to go ahead and get SHALOM finished and out there, he has come under fire from those who claim to support him, yet do everything to try and destroy him? Some of the fake-news narratives being spun out there by Jew-hating ethno-nationalists is that the upcoming documentary is in support of Israel? The documentary is about the life and persecution of a BRITISH Jewish man who's name is Yisroel Shalom, it's not about the Jewish state.

Another claim by obsessed Jew-hating ethno-nationalists is that Tommy hasn't prioritised another documentary in the making, "The Rape Of Britain". Tommy has stated over and over again why The Rape Of Britain has been delayed, he has served two terms in prison and campaigned as an MEP in the North West, he needs to dedicate the right amount of time to get that done. If anyone wants to refresh their memory here is Tommy speaking on this issue the very day he was released from Belmarsh prison. A warning to the Jew-hating inbreds, the video below features a Jew.


Dionne Moller has recently gone on a conspiratorial investigative mission, now we know why she is a former Police officer, her investigative prowess lacks any investigative prowess. On Dionne's Twitter feed she finds an online profile of Yisroel Shalom, the man featured in Tommy's documentary.

The StarNow profile allows people to see a bio and if they are interested in your talents they will contact you, whether that be for acting, modelling, musicians ect ect. You can find the profile by clicking HERE.

Even though Yisroel's profile lists him as white/caucasian, blonde with blue eyes, that's still not enough for Jew-hating ethno-nationalists, they hate even dead Jews that fit the Aryan description. Below is a copy of Dionne's Tweet, claiming that Yisroel is still alive.

Dionne Claims Yisroel Shalom Is Alive
Dionne Claims Yisroel Shalom Is Alive

A "supposedly" active StarNow page is proof of Yisroel being alive is it Dionne? He still has two Twitter feeds that have not been closed, do you not know that dead people cant close their social media accounts Dionne? Heres one Twitter account that links to his StarNow page as "FunkyFrummer". Nothing has been posted on there since 2016.

Yisroel Shalom - Twitter - Funky Frummer
Yisroel Shalom - Twitter - Funky Frummer

Here appears to be Yisroels personal Twitter page, an account he had locked down probably because of vile anti-Semitic Jew-hatred posted by your fellow Jew-hating Islamist friends Dionne.

Yisroel Shalom's "Locked" Twitter Page
Yisroel Shalom's "Locked" Twitter Page

Dionne appears to have not found the JustGiving page that was set up to raise funds for a gravestone for Yisroel Shalom. You see alive people don't have a need for a gravestone Dionne.

Yisroel Shalom JustGiving Gravestone Page
Yisroel Shalom JustGiving Gravestone Page

We apologise Dionne; we said you didn't know about the JustGiving page set up to raise funds for Yisroel's gravestone. You clearly knew about that all along, and you knew it BEFORE tweeting that Yisroel is still alive and kicking?

Dionne Moller - Aknowledges The Death Of Yisroel Shalom
Dionne Moller - Aknowledges The Death Of Yisroel Shalom

It's no secret Dionne; your Jew-hatred is so hateful, it even extends to a dead Jew. A dead Jew who you then "re-imagine" to be alive again so you can keep alive the Jew-hating narrative going on in Collett's club of degenerate National Socialist sympathising inbreds.

Many people get offended when they are called out as Nazis, or National Socialists, or at least determining sympathy to such a depraved political ideology. But Dionne is an out and out Jew-hating National Socialist sympathiser, without question. The numbers 14 and 88 are very important numbers for Nazis. The number 14 represents the 14 words used by white supremacist David Lane:

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
The number 88 is significant to Nazi white supremacists too because it represents two of the eighth letter of the alphabet. That letter is H, so 88 represents HH which is code for the degenerates of the white supremacist movement - Heil Hitler. Here is Dionne unabashedly feeling full-blown "1488".
Dionne- Full Blown 1488 Retard
Dionne- Full Blown 1488 Retard

Now Dionne, make up your mind, is Yisroel Shalom dead or not, because your "secret sourcing" suggests both which is oxymoronic? One cannot be alive and dead at the same time.

It's no secret, Dionne's source is sympathetic to National Socialism, white supremacy and jealous hatred of Tommy Robinson.

Dionne/Collett White Power Login
Dionne/Collett White Power Love In

Never trust a delusional 1488 ex-copper.

There is nothing more we will add going forward about Dionne; she has taken up too much oxygen as it is.

For the rest of us real patriots who genuinely don't care about anyone's skin colour, we will crack on and give fake, grifting, inbred RACIALISTS no more of our attention or time. We will not dignify them with the term "Nationalist".


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at long last!
once again another well written article.
this "sharing platform" was clearly a trick by SS & I'm so happy finally is been addressed & more importantly put to rest.
indeed, the term "nationalist" used as "ethno nationalist" is being degraded! There is nothing "nationalist' about such characters. Anyone REGARDLESS COLOUR/CREED who is grateful for living in this (once & we hope again) decent, tolerant, proud, accommodating, fair minded country & has positive attachment to it, is a nationalist, a patriot & these vile characters are anything but "decent, fair-minded"!
so many defend these characters (collett) saying they were the first, highlighting "grooming" etc.
consider: a thief giving charity is still a thief, a cold blooded murderer jumping into river to save life, is still a murderer
doing this good (highlighting) in no way detracts from their vileness! & They are VILE!
once again, THANK YOU
a lot say they "support" TR, I disagree: SYL, The Truth Teller is the one SUPPORTING rest of us:
Tommy is backbone of England
- PiPtar

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Oh sweetie, not only do you make hardly any sense because your grammar is appalling, but you are so where I was a year ago. You need to read up, you've chewed the pill - once you've swallowed it come back and we'll talk.
- Bing Bing Wahoo

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You consider yourself a Patriot and a Nationalist but are you not concerned that the British are becoming a minority in our own country?
- Joey Joe

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Great take down to a great take down!
- GraemeThompson

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Can we have another black PR vid please? The mister metokur response vid to the mark collett one was adorable 🤣
- Bing Bing Wahoo

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I gave a heads up to someone close to TR about Dionne Moller's Holocaust denial as soon as she said she wanted to speak at TR's Old Bailey rally and he said there's no where she'd get near the stage. A week later the microphone was passed to another Holocaust denier Simon Sideways who was also on TR's campaign trail with him in Bury and Warrington. I've just watched TR's close associate Brian of London big up Paul Golding of Britain First. TR bigs him up. So does Mark Collett. TR hedges his bets with the far right. It would be so super simple to definitively split from them, but while he's writing books with Peter McLoughlin that's not going to happen. Mr McLoughlin is on record as suggesting 70s 'Paki bashing' was due to Muslim Grooming Gangs and support of the Kach Movement, a Jewish anti-Arab racist movement that spurs graffiti such as 'gas the Arabs'. While TR is associating with middle class Nazis Generation Identity and coming out with far right guff like 'Replacement', he's only got himself to blame for being (rightly) regarded as far right. It's just a question of how far right.
- GraemeThompson

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Nice try, grifters.

A part that you conveniently left out is that in Tommy's response to Dionne where he confirmed the invitation, Tommy said that both he AND HIS MOTHER watched Dionne's videos. So he was either lying then or you guys are lying now.
- Travis LeBlanc

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Nice try but you need more work on reading comprehension.

Tommy watched a couple of her videos, and he was impressed by what he had seen and heard of her.

Not all. A couple.

It would have been very easy to miss her anti-Semitism. She came to prominence condemning TR's arrest at Leeds. I watched her vids that were about TR. Someone put in the comments on one of my videos that she was a Holocaust denier so when I saw she wanted to speak at the Old Bailey rally I did a careful trawl through her playlist and managed to come up with them, but it wasn't at all easy. For the reasons stated on my other comment though, TR is definitely on the far right spectrum. His only objection to followers being Nazis is if they make it obvious they're Nazis. Speaking of which, there is that video in which Dionne said she doesn't care if he's a Zionist !!!
- GraemeThompson

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