777 rosas y un cronómetro (Esp-Eng) 777 roses and a stopwatch

in hive-161155 •  3 months ago 


Vamos a usar un cronómetro, sobre la mesita de noche. Lo primero es apreciar la agotadora sinfonía de tic tac. Lo veo monocromático y perdiendo a toda vela el cromo que lo recubre. Es un regalo antiguo, de algún abuelo ya olvidado. Este cronómetro tiene su foto. Un daguerrotipo amarillo que me recuerda, los campos de maíz de la casa familiar. Pasábamos horas en el incesante acarrear de agua para la siembra.
Los domingos reunidos bajo un almendro frondoso charlábamos de flores. De la infinidad de rosas que han pasado a la historia. Hablábamos de la rosa que creció de la sangre de Afrodita. De la rosa que humildemente entrego el caballero Sant Jordi a una princesa y esta le regaló su amor cual doncella en castillo de mármol. Discutimos sobre la rosa que dejaba escondida Cupido antes de lanzar sus flechas de amor.
Cada uno tenía su tiempo para hablar. Puesto el cronómetro sobre la mesa del té. Hablábamos de las rosas blancas, de cómo el Principito dejó la flor en su planeta. De la ternura con que Platero rosaba a penas las flores. De Como las espinas fueron parte de la pasión de cada rosa regalada. Del Ruiseñor persa que por amor se clavó las espinas y su sangre creo las rosas rojas y amarillas y su pena era tanta que casi muere.

El horario del Té era más una guerra cronometrada, que el simple encuentro que dejábamos entrever. El tiempo quedaba suspendido en alguna rama. Llegado el atardecer hacíamos grandes reverencias y cada personaje volvía a su historia.
Contábamos cada segundo hasta llegar a los domingos.
Los abuelos murieron y fue embargada la finca. Recuerdo la desvencijada camioneta en que íbamos y como el maíz y el viejo almendro iban quedando en la distancia hasta convertirse en una mancha dócil que cobraba vida propia.
Los recuerdos tienen la grabe influencia de abrazarnos, caer en sus brazos y volar. Alargar las manitas y tratar de revivirlos.

Ahora, cada vez que observo este cronómetro, comienzan a subirme por las piernas enredaderas con espinas.

la tiza men.png


777 roses and a stopwatch

Let's use a stopwatch, on the bedside table. The first thing is to appreciate the exhausting symphony of ticking. I see it monochromatic and losing the chrome that covers it. It is an old gift, from some forgotten grandfather. This chronometer has its photo. A yellow daguerreotype that reminds me of the cornfields of the family home. We used to spend hours in the incessant carrying of water for the sowing.
On Sundays, gathered under a leafy almond tree, we would spend long hours chatting. We talked about roses. Of the infinity of roses that have gone down in history. We talked about the rose that grew from the blood of Aphrodite. Of the rose that humbly gave the knight Sant Jordi to a princess and this one gave him her love as a maiden in a marble castle. We discussed about the rose that Cupid left hidden before launching his arrows of love.
Each one had his time to talk. We put the chronometer on the tea table. We talked about the white roses, about how the Little Prince left the flower on his planet. Of the tenderness with which Plateros barely roses the flowers. Of how the thorns were part of the passion of each rose given. Of the Persian Nightingale who, for love, pierced his thorns and his blood created red and violet roses and his sorrow was so great that he almost died.

Tea time was more like a timed war than the simple encounter that we let us glimpse. Time was suspended on some branch. When the sunset came, we would make big bows and each character would return to his story.
We counted every second until we reached Sundays.
The grandparents died and the farm was foreclosed. I remember the rickety pickup truck we were riding in and how the corn and the old almond tree were left in the distance until it became a docile spot that took on a life of its own.
Memories have the powerful influence of embracing us, falling into their arms and flying. Reaching out our little hands and trying to revive them.

Now, every time I look at this stopwatch, thorny vines begin to climb up my legs.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

la tiza men.png

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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Gracias por el apoyo, un placer recibir respuestas.

With the gloves on it feels as if a thief took the watch.. with you I agree the ticking brings peace and to me it also feels like home.
I like how you mentioned all those times a rose shows in a story. Tody they no longer have thorns except for one bush in my garden that's high enough to cover the castle of the sleeping beauty and keep all princes outside.

Thanks for the great read. I wish you a good weekend.

Thanks for commenting, it motivates me to create new stories. Best regards.