Escribir en la actualidad es todo un reto. Sobre todo porque la sociedad ha evolucionado a nuevas formas de comunicarse. Los espacios literarios se han alejado. Todo es frío y extraño. Somos la sociedad más volátil de la historia. Con paradigmas disparatados, defectuosos de lo que es el arte. Asistimos a la línea de escritores sin libros y artistas de toda índole, sin obra. O por lo menos con algo dudoso en los lindes del arte.
Contar en este siglo. Se vuelve complicado, si quieres que llegue a un público que vive inmerso en las tecnologías de una creciente sociedad de consumo. Lo importante es la inmediatez. Parece que más que el contenido. La avalancha de textos (no necesariamente con valor literario) es abrumadora.
Una historia (en el presente) debe estar basada en la velocidad. Dejando pequeñas migajas que conduzcan a un desenlace. El lector tiene la capacidad de reconstruir la historia. Dejarle volar la imaginación. Así que solo vamos a sugerir. Marcar (con migajas de pan el regreso) los árboles en el bosque para que cada pista, sea parte de la filigrana que estamos orquestando. De igual forma, usar oraciones cortas. Digeribles.
Dejar que se conozcan los personajes por sus acciones. Alguien que llega a su casa y rompe de un puñetazo la mesa, nos dice muchas cosas de su personalidad. No necesitamos una enumeración excesiva, del color de ojos y pegatinas que ocupan hojas y hojas (de nada).
Nunca comenzar con los clásicos inicios de Había una vez... Cada elemento en la historia debe ser insustituible. Cada palabra debe ir en la historia. Todo lo que se pueda eliminar y siga funcionando la esencia de la historia, sobra. Precisión. Fluidez. Atrapar al lector de principio a fin.
El título es un sumamente importante. Debe ser la llave maestra, debe sugerir, más que regalar toda la historia. Ser parte del mecanismo para descifrar el contenido que se quiere transmitir.
Por último, recomendaría escritores que no deberías dejar de leer. Julio Cortázar. Horacio Quiroga. Edgar Allan Poe. Antón Chéjov. Guy de Maupassant. Entre otros muchos.
Déjame un comentario si ha sido de interés este tema.
Writing today is a challenge. Especially because society has evolved to new ways of communicating. Literary spaces have become distant. Everything is cold and strange. We are the most volatile society in history. With nonsensical, flawed paradigms of what art is. We are witnessing the line of writers without books and artists of all kinds, without work. Or at least with something dubious in the boundaries of art.
Counting in this century. It becomes complicated, if you want it to reach an audience that lives immersed in the technologies of a growing consumer society. The important thing is immediacy. More than content, it seems. The avalanche of texts (not necessarily with literary value) is overwhelming.
A story (in the present) must be based on speed. Leaving small crumbs that lead to a denouement. The reader has the ability to reconstruct the story. Let your imagination run wild. So let's just suggest. Mark (with breadcrumbs the return) the trees in the forest so that each clue is part of the filigree we are orchestrating. Likewise, use short sentences. Digestible.
Let the characters be known by their actions. Someone who comes home and smashes the table with a punch tells us a lot about his personality. We don't need excessive enumeration, eye color and stickers that take up pages and pages (of nothing).
Never start with the classic beginnings of Once upon a time.... Every element in the story must be irreplaceable. Every word must go in the story. Anything that can be eliminated and still work, the essence of the story is left over. Precision. Fluidity. Grip the reader from beginning to end.
The title is an extremely important. It must be the master key, it must suggest, rather than give away, the whole story. It must be part of the mechanism to decipher the content you want to convey.
Finally, I would recommend writers that you should not stop reading. Julio Cortázar. Horacio Quiroga. Edgar Allan Poe. Anton Chekhov. Guy de Maupassant. Among many others.
Leave me a comment if this topic has been of interest.
Para @hefestus, @wakeupkitty, @xiao-aine, @rokhani conocen estos escritores (su obra)
Mi amigo, este tópico és de extremo interés y voy a regresar acá, mañana para que hablemos más sobre esto. Solamente he pasado por acá ahorita mismo para decir te esto, qué mientrastanto, en mi casa ya pása de la media noche y aún estoy terminando dos publicaciones que he prometido y que me están tomando el tiempo existente, todavia , queda la promesa de, mañana, antes de se mirar la puesta del sol en el Malécon, tendrás aqui mis palavras sobre estes escritores maravillosos y otro que digo fundamental, por abrirnos el camiño de la escrita minimalista y contundente, tendría, hoy , aún más successo por el tanto que decia con tan pocas palavras: Ernesto Hemingway.
Con esto, te deseo una bellísima noche de Domingo y un hasta mañana que és seguro.
Un abrazo.
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Estimado amigo.
Me agrada que te guste hablar sobre este tema. A excepción de Julio Cortazar, los otros que menciono son considerados los padres del cuento en su idioma. Ernesto Hemingway, uno de los grandes, vivió temporadas en Cuba. La lista sería larga y los temas también. Aporte de ideas y mucho que aprender. He leído muchos escritores que no se podrían obviar. Marcel Proust, uno de los máximos exponentes de la novela psicológica. H. P. Lovecraft, maneja la literatura del terror como nadie. Augusto Monterroso, el creador del cuento más corto del mundo, con cuentos de calidad más que merecida. William Faulkner, no podrías dejar de leer, Mientras Agonizo. Vamos a compartir muchas buenas lecturas.
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How about modern writers? Do we all have to like what everyone says is a good book or author? People are sheep so if it comes to book likes it's not different same for what is called literature which is in average boring and by far not interesting to read. I can't stand the praising into heaven of a small group of writers because there's a story behind a story behind a hidden story students or readers should see but can't. It's what I hate about books and how they are promoted. It's for a select group and if you don't like it you are called a cultural barbarian by school or the book club. 🤢
Book clubs, even in films the readers and book lovers hate the best sellers!
What is a master? I bet my hat famous writers are famous by name but not because we all read them or believe they are great. If that would be the case we all would be super authors and addicted to reading. Most I know hate to read. That info should be could for something and shake up some authors though everyone is an author today
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And the answer is @almaguer? Curious to hear it.
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I agree for the biggest part. Spelling everything out leaves nothing left for the reader to build a picture about and it doesn't make a story any better, none does the repeating of the same sentence over and over again. I tried to teach that with #wewrite 5 months ago (title, flashy start, hashtags included) only a few (not even 5) were able to change the habit of ...
We'll give it a new try but if we are in and if they will join is questionable. Many did 5 months ago because they thought it would be an easy win but writing is art and skills can be improved. Let's see what will happen, soon or not...
What I don't disagree with is to leave everything out of a story because people have no longer the time to read and we live in a "busy" world. I miss those days where books pulled you into a different world and I felt moody if I was called and couldn't read. Reading was addictive, I wanted to finish the story as soon as possible, the modern writers/books don't have that magic.
Once upon a time? It sounds strange in English but I like it for a real fairy tale and will keep using is unless I can come up with something else. There's nothing wrong with the old, real fairy tales who came with a message and often ended gruwelsome (not Disney made up happy princess endings).
So... what do you think about all those titles starting with: The Diarygame....
P.s. I believe @rokhani is offline again and it's ramadan (soon) or but we can keep tagging him so he knows we miss him.
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Believe @almaguer is out let me answer the diary titles boring a total lack of brain, more likely following what was once suggested and taking it for a rule. Happens if you are forced to write in the hope to make an income or the hope to be someone. The biggest jobless loser can be online at the top which is hopeful and will effect offline life for them. I read a post + thread how sc01 sent messages to diary writers, auto- bot ones or? Might be a good idea to start again and say the support is over. Would love to see what will happen next.
Never wrote one, don't see any point in writing: hey guys I woke up early again got out of bed brushed my teeth and took a shower. What a waste of time and life and after years those diary writers still don't know how to write something better more interesting. The title is proof.
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