Made a trip to supermarket to keep my belly happy. When it starts acting up I better scratch that itch. So I got the healthy stuff but also indulgences. Need my veg got those. Carrots, tomatoes always first on my list. Got my fruit too. Need fresh oranges everyday. I prefer to get my vitamins from food. Pills trip me big time. Am not knocking pharmaceuticals but the extra chemicals they kinda spook me. I bought ice cream for late night shenanigans. I got the proverbial protein beans and meat. Is like take care of your body you know. I bought ginger too. I definitely that herbal cleansing. I play hard geeking,creating, street hustle, web hustle, crypto life. It takes a toll on your body. So I purge, replenish, wash out in any order. And I eat to live and vice versa.
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay