(Un) Conscious Rambling

in hive-161155 •  5 years ago 


Today, I have no words
I will sit here and let it take me
This feeling I have no control over
This thing calling my name and filling my senses
Whispering and beckoning to me

Today, my eyes are twitching
They are filled up and ready to spill
Tears I have refused to shed
Because it’s pointless to cry
It solves nothing in the end

Today, I try to forget myself in a book
It used to work but not anymore
The words blur before they turn dark
They have no meaning no more
I have lost my safe heaven

Today, I’m failing at a lot of things
They say it gets worse before it gets better
I’m trying to believe it but I’m not succeeding
Truth is, I don’t want to try anymore
I just want to say here and let it overpower me

Today, I need a saviour
A dark knight or an angel to rescue me
Funny it may sound for someone so strong
I cannot do it on my own now
I'm too weak to survive if I try

Come, tell me your thoughts.

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Baby I'll be your superman 😘