I Will Do The Job Better By Myself, Start To Finish! - Blockchain Coffee "Red Light"

in hive-161155 •  5 years ago 

420FreeWrite Prompt "Red Light"

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Blockchain Coffee = Ask Me Anything

Today's #FreeWrite Prompt = "Red Light"

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Hell yeah, the light you use does matter. In fact, light will be one of the main factors in how much cannabis your plants produce and ultimately how much bud you will get to trim, cure and smoke.

Source: Does Light Matter - The Best Lights For Growing Cannabis by @Plug

My Blockchain Coffee "Red Light"

Ohhh shit ... I sat there for a long time man ...

😎 I fucking love Tommy Chong, gives a little hue of hilarity going into this one... not talking anything about driving rather as the spectrum image suggested I will write about growing... or maybe some of my first failed attempts at doing so...

Isn't it interesting how when you start off growing what you first think it to be is nothing like what it ends up being? You see Chong in the video above understands this mastery of deception as not till the end do you know what the hell your actually looking at!

When I started, I thought it was all that and a bag of potato chips to grow a good batch of weed when really it just comes down to willingness. Willingness to do the needed research and then execute the knowledge. There is lots to know but honestly you could say its called weed for a reason...

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term first appeared in print in 1932, when The Chicago Defender - a weekly newspaper that was once dubbed "the most dangerous of all Negro journals" - commented on the migration of cannabis in New York City from the slums to high society: "The humble 'reefer,' 'the weed,' the marijuana, or [whatever you call] a doped cigarette, has moved to Park Ave. from Harlem."
Source: Why Is Weed Called Weed?

Maybe its not actually the case but it is a very resilient plant to grow. The first indoor batch I ever did was just a couple plants, no research, no forethought, just did it. When an opportunity presents itself you have got to be stupid to let it pass you by 😉 one of my friends had an emergency situation with a landlord and was now moving so he needed a place to drop off his babies for a week or two.

Source: Grow Log: Veg room makeover. We've got way more space to stretch our arms out!

Just a couple babies in dirt, a couple lights with spare bulbs and a fan with some sort of filter thing... at least that was how I interpreted it having never before seen a grow room or anything. I had done a few plants outside so I knew I could manage the plants it was just the room setup that I got lost on having not done any research I over looked one crucial step!

So if you're thinking about growing weed, do a bit of research first. Reading this article is a great first step, but check out some books or websites as well. There is a wealth of information out there.

Source: Beginning Pot Grower? Don't Make These 11 Common Mistakes!

I was on it, I had even figured out that the fan was an ozone filter setup and had it working. My room was lined with plastic albeit black it was at least clean. Two tube lights & 4 babies I was told just moved into bud lighting schedule a few days prior... perfect I thought just finish the stinky part and get half the yield as he didn't want to move during bud again for good reason 😅 I was in my own apartment at the time and my situation could not have been better. I had 3 rooms and was looking at renting 1 out so this use of space was perfect coinciding my activities in the black market and working odd hour jobs, less people that know what I was up to the better prior to starting a grow.

The one thing I overlooked was red light spectrum and I only figured it out in the last few weeks of budding. The backup bulbs I had were not backups but they were the red spectrum, bud bulbs, as buddy told me over the phone. A fucking phone call from a prison nonetheless, good thing he only had my burner cell numbers 😅 You see he was locked up shortly after leaving my place and after being told what to do I carried on as if nothing was wrong the entire time wondering why my buds just were not filling out like they should. I didn't know until the one bulb burnt out and I replaced it with a different color one that there were even different stages to growing past timing of light.

I understood how length of daylight determined what cycle of growth your plants were in having grown outside but I failed to look into the aspect of light spectrum having never needed to prior. You should have heard buddy shit a brick when he realized his prize on getting out wasn't going to be the best, as usual tried to hold that one over my head. I ended up with no cut and at a loss for nutrients yet I learned the most important lesson of all, after doing all needed research...

I Will Do The Job Better By Myself, Start To Finish!

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The dune buggy leapt the sand ridge, caught air, landed and sprayed me with a choking dust cloud...

Such an amazing creative writing, Thank You for participating! Very glad to give you a little extra promotion 💪

For those new to smoke, I am also @Writer43. I smoke cannabis because I need it! I'm a medical marijuana cardholder, and I have an extreme case of PTSD from a tragic event that occurred some time ago!

Glad to see another pot smoking writer enjoying Smoke.io as their escape 😘
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Getting baked when you’re baking something is somewhat discouraging, but there’s a saying that nothing is perfect in this world. With baking, you need to have the perfect recipe to meet the right measurements in every cup of each ingredient.

Aye Baked Baker Complexities Indeed!

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