It Was A Whole Lot More Than Just THC - Blockchain Coffee "Snort"

in hive-161155 •  5 years ago 

420FreeWrite Prompt "Snort"

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Blockchain Coffee = Ask Me Anything

Today's #FreeWrite Prompt = "Snort"

Drop your question, any question, with any #freewrite post link, for votes & cross platform mention in upcoming posts ❤️

So today's writing below is a work of fiction so please take it with a grain of salt though it will be a good read pulling from real life events of my own along with people I know personally.

Blockchain Coffee "Snort"

I can clearly remember the first time my brother seen my THC crystal extraction technique, he seriously had no idea what it was. Nearly loosing his shit when walking into the smoking room with everyone watching me slowly lift the lid of my buster off the table revealing our wonderful reward for the days activities spilling across the mirror.

My brother is a recovering addict so it understandable thinking back that he would assume the crystals would be used in the same way. It’s funny if you ask me but he still isn’t impressed, when have you ever heard to snort THC? Snort anything Cannabis for that matter?

When we all realized what the concern was a good laugh was had. We thought he was shocked at how much we got but when it clicked he thought we turned our good cannabis into a bad drug, no one was able to stop laughing long enough to explain to him for several minutes what was so funny. He thought because it was crystal it would be addictive, kind of a good rule of thumb actually, but in this case not so much.

The part my brother has never forgiven us for was then trying to make cannabis snuff just to wig him out. For about 2 months we “faked” doing cannabis snuff each time he came over having the opposite effect of him just wanting to do it. We continued till we convinced him it was the next big thing and safe then he started asking how he could make his own … this is when we told him the dirty little secret behind our snuff why he enjoyed it so much …

It Was A Whole Lot More Than Just THC!!!

Submissions From Previous Posts

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The dune buggy leapt the sand ridge, caught air, landed and sprayed me with a choking dust cloud...

Such an amazing creative writing, Thank You for participating! Very glad to give you a little extra promotion 💪

For those new to smoke, I am also @Writer43. I smoke cannabis because I need it! I'm a medical marijuana cardholder, and I have an extreme case of PTSD from a tragic event that occurred some time ago!

Glad to see another pot smoking writer enjoying as their escape 😘
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Getting baked when you’re baking something is somewhat discouraging, but there’s a saying that nothing is perfect in this world. With baking, you need to have the perfect recipe to meet the right measurements in every cup of each ingredient.

Aye Baked Baker Complexities Indeed!

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#fiction #blockchaincoffee #askmeanything #freewrite

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