A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

in hive-161155 •  2 days ago 
Steemit Greetings dear Steemians, I am @deelyt and I bring you love all the way from Nigeria Thank you, @freewritehouse, for this contest as I am glad to be a part of it.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Once upon a Time, the kingdom of octavian was known for its beauty and abundance. The Kingdom transcended the quality of serenity and tranquility. It was the envy of other kingdoms as it kept flourishing even in hard times.

The kingdom of Octavian was surrounded by the kingdom of Julyvian in the West, Septavian in the east, Novemvian in the North, and Decemvian in the South.

History had it that they were all brothers who were given birth to by a woman named Monthavian, a royal priestess of the gods. All the other children were always in some form of infidelity except Octavian. He was the last son of his mother and a very mindful person who did not only have sympathy but empathy for people. It did not take the mother long to realize that Octavian was her successor. In fact, while his mother was alive, he was bequeathed with magical powers and secrets which had kept his community going.

The octavian rights customs and traditions from the olden days were upheld by a lineage of royal priests from generation to generation. This priest was in possession of sacred items, among which the crystal ball was their major essence.

The crystal ball was luminous in nature, giving out positive energy at all times. It was a site to be who, for its beauty, was second to none other in the world. It had a glimmer sparkle of gold and diamond, branches of leaves which were no doubt green and represented fruitfulness, as well as an arc of a rainbow which signified wealth and abundance. Another unique quality of it was the treasure stones. For example, beryl, onyx, sapphire, emerald etc. The crystal ball had only to be kept and handled by the Octavians, otherwise it was going to spell out doom.

However, a generation came that could not control their jealousy and envy towards the Octavian community. The kings of the other four kingdoms which were earlier mentioned came together and planned their attack against the Octavians. They had settled on their agreement to rotate the crystal ball in their Kingdom quarterly. It took a year for this plan to fall through.

The crystal ball, which had magical powers that was showing signs and giving hints to the custodians, but the people refused to believe such promptings because it was never heard and had never happened in that Kingdom, so all safety measures were neglected.

One faithful day, a ceremony was hosted and Octavian priest and the choicest men were all invited. The spies entered the city, located the tower where the crystal ball was protected, killed the guards and disappeared with it as planned.


When this happened, the royal priest who was present at the ceremony groaned in a sharp pain and muttered under his breath "it has happened". Immediately, the Octavian community became chaotic, boils broke out on the people's bodies. Even the people at the party. These painful boils made them return to their community earlier than planned. Their priest quickly rushed to the tower and confirmed the missing crystal ball. This news brought in more panicking and fear for the people as they wondered who would have done this deed. They wept bitterly and pleaded for mercy from their gods.

The other community rejoiced when the news got to them and settled down to strategize Who would take the first turn at keeping the crystal ball? A lot was cast and if it fell on Julyvian, who was the firstborn, he agreed to keep it in his Kingdom for the first three months, but when the crystal was brought out of the bag it became pale, and it lost its brightness and quality. The people were surprised but made up their minds to keep it, so Crystal emitted more negative energy instead.

The king of Julyvian took the crystal ball back to his Palace and immediately lost his first son in about 3 days. The Julyvian kingdom was infested with lots of harmful reptiles and insects like fleas and ticks. Their drinking water became blood. Their plants withered. There were also great hailstorms and thunderclaps. This prompted the king of the Julyvian Kingdom to send out the crystal ball to the Septavian Kingdom.

The king of the Septavian community received the crystal ball happily for his Kingdom (and did not bother about the sudden change of mind). He planned to keep the crystal ball longer than agreed, but his doom was double what the Julyvian Kingdom were facing. And it happened that more than what the Julyvians were going through, there was an additional outbreak of diseases, an outbreak of fires in their food barns as well as painful boils and, so the cycle continued through the Novemvian and Decemvian kingdoms, progressed that it was certain to get worse as each day progresses.

Meanwhile, the Octavian people were still mourning their loss. They were dressed up in sack clothes, offered sacrifices and prayed more fervently to their gods.

When the four kings all had their fair share of troubles, they decided to return the crystal ball by themselves with some peace offering as well as written apologies.

This was a great idea as it was a means to an end of this turbulence in their kingdoms (I mean it was easy to fight wars, but they could not fight what they did not see).

Quickly, these ideas were executed. As the four kings did as planned, the Octavian people could not bear grudges, as they were glad that the Crystal ball was returned and their former glory was restored (The crystal ball immediately regained its original colour). The four surrounding communities also got back their restoration. Furthermore, the five communities came together and made a crystal ball statue as an ordinance of peace over generations.

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