Sorot matanya menyimpan kebanggaan
Berdiri tegak melawan terik matahari
Berjalan perlahan menyusuri jalanan
Dalam keramaian penuh warna-warni
Pasti, ada perasaan di dalam hati
Kecintaan murni pada ibu pertiwi
Ada pula hadirnya harapan
Suasana lebih baik, masa depan
Wajah berwarna, senyuman sarat makna
Jati diri bangsa, agar terus terjaga
Tanpa banyak untaian kata-kata
Janji-janji pun tak perlu bersuara
Lelah, segalanya masih sama saja
Yang berganti hanya sekedar posisi
Tujuan utamanya tetap kepentingan mereka
Ketulusan, hanya akan jadi korban
Generasi muda harus bangkit
Maju untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit
Sumber daya adalah modal utama
Pengelolaannya tanggung jawab bersama
The look in her eyes holds pride
Standing upright against the hot sun
Walking slowly down the street
In a colorful crowd
Surely, there is a feeling in the heart
Pure love for the motherland
There is also the presence of hope
A better atmosphere, the future
Colored faces, smiles full of meaning
National identity, to be maintained
Without many strands of words
Promises do not need to sound
Tired, everything is still the same
What changes is just a position
The main goal is still their interests
Sincerity, will only be a victim
The younger generation must rise
Forward to relieve pain
Resources are the main capital
Management, a shared responsibility