understanding in the family(newbie)

in hive-161155 •  3 years ago 


Good day steemians of these great community I am so grateful to be here for the first time as a newbie in these community and I hope to learn a lot from you and you the same less I forget my name I @flozysamm and I love reading and creating stories and hope you are going to enjoy my first story here which I titled UNDERSTANDIND IN FAMILIES and I hope you are going to enjoy it so listen;

Once upon a time in the land of Omah Obu, they lived a family of Mr. Bassey .He got married to Miss Imoh , he had three children which were all girls, He loved and care for his family especially his children , He needed all his children to be good great and hardworking, he was very generous and good , people loved and respected him even more than the king of the village , People came far and near to get advice from him, not just only him but his wife also , they looked great and stand out where ever the went to in a good way and because of them respect was given to their children .

His children never lack any thing because he was rich, he never stressed or allowed his children to do any thing, all he needed them to do is to eat and read and be wise and good as well, his wife kept warning him that the way he is treating his children is not good, but he never gave ears, he never wanted his children to suffer like him.
Mr. Bassey was working in an oil company while his wife was a nurse, his children name were Edidiong, Success and Ukemeobong, they were all girls ,he never joked with them, he needed to follow his instructions

His first daughter Edidiong was intelligent and hardworking, she was the pride of her parents especially her Mother, she could do some important thing at her very tender age, She could take of her younger ones in the absent of their parent she was good.
Success is the second born, she was friendly, loves playing a lot, she was pampered by her father and also closed to her dad she was lazy, she never had it in mind to do anything, Her mum never supported her in any where, she kept complaining and beating her all the time , success felt that her mum never loved her so she never loved her mum , she was always afraid and she never helped her mum in any where she kept that mind in her until she grew up, she needed her father everyday and any time , she became who she was through her father.

it was because of her father, through her father she was able to do some of the things she needed to do at the age of 15. Her dad kept encouraging her to have a mind set of doing thing at home as a female child and tried her best to put that in to practice.
Her mother loved her but never understood her she needed her to be the best as well as others but success was very different from the others, she taught that it was wickedness but never knew she needed to be followed slowly and treated specially, she kept beating and shouting at her hoping for a change but she only got worst.
In a hot afternoon, when success came back from school she realized that her father was not around as well as some of his luggage, she realized that the father had travelled when she saw a letter written by her dad to her on a table in his room explaining his self to her that he had an emergency call that made him leave to Abuja in the morning.

She felt relief and prayed to God to grant her dad a safe journey, she felt so lonely at home she never mingle with her sisters or mother, her mother never notice her, she became ill because she felt the absent of her father, she preferred going to her grand ma than her mother because she loved her grandma so much, her mother sent for her but she could not go because she was sick, her not knowing what happened came in and dealt with her, she cried all night waiting for her dad to return the following day which was Saturday, she was in her room until her dad came back, he notice that something was wrong when everyone came out welcome him except success, he went straight to her room to meet her, success hearing the fathers voice stood up and ran to meet her father, later in the afternoon she reported every thing that happen to her father, her dad promise to look in to it.

In the sitting room when the children had gone to bed, Mr. Bassey decide to have a word with his, he called his wife and began to discuss some things about success and advice her to change the way she treats success and use another way that will draw success close to her, she agreed because she could understand what her husband was saying. The following day, she began to treat her n a good way and these made success confused why her mum is treating her that way, she could not believe it until her mum defended her in the school, these act drew success to her mum very close, the was peace in the house and every one lived happily ever.

These is where I will finally bring my story to a conclusion by saying that understanding keeps the husband, wife and children in peace, today in the world family are being broken into two because of understanding and these happens in the case of children, some parent do not understand their children, the expect their children to be wise intelligent hardworking and all others but sorry to disappoint you not all the children are easy going some children needs to be studied followed little by little in order to push them into the right way. for some children parent must go to any length to gain their trust back even if it involves defending them or shouting to the whole world that you truly care and love them because if they take it out you might end up loosing them , Thanks for giving me your time and I hope that you’ve learnt some things from these short story once again thank you and bye.

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You posted in the wrong community. This one is for the freewriters using the daily prompt given by @ mariannewest

ok thanks