Daily Prompt: The Last Wife

in hive-161155 •  6 months ago  (edited)


The Last Wife

Hey! Sorry for the delayed response. Things have been kinda busy around here. Nothing worth worrying about really, but you know how it goes. Lots of things to do, lots of people to talk to. Either way I received your gift. I’m looking at it right now actually. I’ll put it to good use, I promise. So thank you! :-)

You’ve asked many questions and at this point I feel like you’ve earned some answers. We really gotten to know eachother? Right? I hope so. Given the circumstances I’m sure you’ll understand I’ve got some issues, especially in terms of trusting others. Trust never did me any favors, but I’m willing to take a chance on you and I hope you’ll take a chance on me, too. You seem different from the others. So far at least.

Part of me is afraid this exchange might be one of those cliches, or what you call it. You know, like some overused catchprase that’s getting old. Not you, just me. Or the nature of this conversation really (others wouldn’t understand). Either way, despite how and why, I’m happy I’ve met you. Actually, it’s almost like you came into my life at the exact right moment, a bit like a messenger from the universe. Or like an angel. But look at me babbling, going on about cliches and that, but then saying something like this. It's true though.

Obviously it’s hard for me to talk about what happened. Everybody has an opinion I guess, so it must be only natural for me to have one as well. I was there, but… it’s more complicated. I guess part of you wants me to convince you I wasn’t, but I was. I did what I did and part of me is tired of apologizing for it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not proud of what happened. It’s just that what’s done is done. I’ve got what I deserved.

Why did I do it? Would I do it again? No, not really. As weird as it sounds, I’m a pretty normal guy, probably even more so back then. It could’ve happened to others as well, it just didn’t. Heard someone say, insanity is really just a natural reaction to an unnatural situation. That’s the best way to describe it. I found myself in some circumstances I couldn't control and then… it just happened. Like a car crash. Or a train crash, going down the rails.

Do I think she was at fault? A little, yes. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t meant to sound like a justification, but she helped create the kind the situation that ultimately led us down that path. I regret it, yes. Did I have a choice? Probably not. But who does!?

I could go on, but what use would it be. Maybe I’ll be able to tell you in person one day. I’m no monster, but I guess saying that is yet another cliche. If you don’t feel like writing anymore, I’d understand.


PS: You deserve happiness. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.

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It's as if I am reading one of the letters my inmate penfriend writes me. You two met?

I totally love it and you did a great job with all those cliches I fall for it, the last wife might too.

Thanks for making me laugh, don't stop writing X

P.s. I skipped your p.s.


@dove11 @weisser-rabe @hive-169911 @yaladeeds @pousinha @aminasafdar

Well actually I'm in prison right now, so the joke's on me. Kidding, of course. In retrospect it does read a bit like parody, but part of me was totally going for a Max Cady Cape Fear kind of thing, instead of some strange John C. Reilly vehicle. I was getting into it, too. Like I was writing paperback smut for some 1980s airport. I take laughter though. Well, as long as you're just lauging with me, not at me. I hate that.

Don't worry I will never laugh at you.
Bye X
Enjoy the weekend!

Heh, I appreciate it.

In all honesty everybody has been great since I signed up. So thank you!

We are a great little group of crazy writers so we are great. 🙃

You are welcome, all that is left is getting rich.
