Late Night Scribbles✍️🍺 | Entry #01

in hive-161155 •  4 months ago 

Whisper of the heart.jpg

Why is it that the pursuit of profit seems to drive our every action? Society often looks down on those who rarely turn a profit, reducing us to mere money-making machines.

The world has become a place where business reigns, with the primary goal of making money. But for what purpose? Why must we constantly seek more money—to buy things we think we need? Perhaps that's exactly what big corporations want us to believe. Why? Profit.

Most of the time, if not always, when we do something purely out of sincerity and good intentions, profit seems distant. There isn’t much money in it. Take farming, for example—a noble and essential profession, yet it offers limited financial reward.

When we pursue something highly profitable, there's often a catch. Significant profit tends to come at the expense of something else—our values, health, peace of mind, the environment, and more. There's often a hidden cost, and in the long run, it proves unprofitable—a bad investment.

Why can’t we simply work with a sincere heart, without fixating on profit? Why is it so hard to take our minds off money?

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We can work with a sincere heart it is the employee believing hard work rewards. In most cases it doesn't unless you count frustration, burnouts, depressions, frustrationand a huge lack of time and freedom.
The word "no" exists and one can walk out.

Employers manipulating employees will never reward them.

Absolutely true. We can always choose to walk away, yet societal pressure often complicates that choice. As emotional beings, we’re easily swayed by others’ expectations, making it harder to carve our own path.

We might (easily) sway and next find out that no matter what we do we are still not accepted. 😑
Being your own nasty crazy personality works the best. At least people know you are who you are.

Right, and I’ll bank on that. T. Swift said something on the same note: “People are going to judge you anyway, so might as well do what you want.” I really appreciate your comments on my post. It’s like a dopamine jab to someone who loves to pen his thoughts and receive feedback. I hadn’t expected to receive reaction on this post as I wrote this quite spontaneously and with the least effort compared to my other posts.

Commenting is not a big thing on social media unless people have something to complain. It doesn't mean you are not always read, plenty introverts miggt but if they are not used to reply or speak. It can be learned but it's also very time consuming.

We can never tell what moves people most but I believe it's the freewrites, easier written posts. There's more "personal" touch/thougt in it which makes it an easier read.

Social media stands for fast, notreading entire texts next to that many can not read (between the lines) or have no clue what is meant.

Trust me.. It feels so much better if people complain, scold or judge and you give them a reason to. 🙃

As soon as you do that it stops.

#wewrite & #comment