Honey toast / Pan tostado con miel - Short Story [Eng/Spa]

in hive-161155 •  10 months ago 

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His little paw stretched as far as it would go, barely grazing the bowl's edge. He reached out a little further, standing on tiptoe to reach his prey, the sound of heavy boots rumbling closer. Any moment, old McGraw would arrive and it would be the end of him.

"It's too late," his companions shouted, urging him on.

"Get out of there," they kept repeating. But George was determined to reach his goal, despite the warnings of his friends.

George was a young raccoon who liked to stick his nose where it didn't belong, diving into garbage cans and searching for the treasures people had discarded in their ignorance. He could never understand how they could leave a half-eaten apple or a delicious slice of pizza untouched.

On this particular morning, however, the aroma of freshly baked toast caught his attention. Through the almost-open kitchen window, he could see old McGraw pouring some honey on the steaming toast. George's stomach rumbled at that moment.

Satisfied, Old McGraw sat down at the table with his bowl of toast. Patiently, he picked up one of the toasts and took a bite, splashing the honey all over the table. George's mouth watered. His eyes were caught by the small golden drops that trickled down the edge of the toast the old man was holding.

Just then the phone rang and the old man, with a grim face, dropped his toast and walked out of the kitchen cursing.

George knew it was time. He perched on the windowsill, ready to steal old McGraw's delicious toast; just as he was about to sneak in, he heard the squeak of a familiar voice.

"Where do you think you're going?" yelled Martina. Behind her was Pip, wringing his little hands and shifting his eyes from side to side, it was obvious that he had confessed George's whereabouts. He could never keep a secret.

"I'll just be a few seconds, sis," George replied warmly.

And leaving his sister's protests behind, he slipped behind the hole in the window. It had not been repaired yet. He remembered how he had escaped through the same hole when old McGraw had thrown the old coffee pot at him to catch him. That night McGraw's wife had gotten up and made a fuss about the scandal he had caused by breaking one of the windows, a moment George had taken advantage of to run as far away as he could.

But this time he was sure he would not be caught, he had heard a ringing of little bells, which meant that the old man would be talking again to the strange object he used to hold to his ear. He usually spent a lot of time doing this, although George did not understand why the old man did it, perhaps age was taking its toll on him.

He scurried under the table and let his nose lead him to the delicacy.

The table was much higher than he had seen from the window, he stood on his two little hind legs, stretched as far as he could, and his little hand brushed against something sticky. Immediately he brought it back and his little fingers touched his mouth.

The rich, sweet taste of honey made him want to sink his teeth into the toast.

Mesmerized, he didn't notice that the room was silent, Martina and Pip's squeals had stopped, not even the sound of heavy boots. He hurriedly made small jumps to reach the bowl, but his attempts only pushed it further away. He made one last attempt, taking a big leap and trying to stretch as far as he could to grab the toast once and for all. But his rudeness made him push the plate off the table, it fell and broke into a thousand pieces.

George was petrified at the sight of old McGraw behind his shotgun, who had come quietly, barefoot, and was aiming right at the little raccoon's head.

Martina fell into Pip's arms as she fainted.

George raised his trembling little hands to his head. His big eyes opened even wider as they met old McGraw's.

George's gaze moved old McGraw so much that it reminded him of his little son who had died in the last war his country had fought.

To George's surprise, McGraw left his gun across the table and picked up one of the freshly made toasts that still rested in the old toaster and, after dipping it in honey, offered it to George.

George cautiously took it and once in his hands, secured it between his teeth and immediately fled through the window opening.

Before he left, he glanced at old McGraw, whose expression had softened and his wrinkled face wore a tender smile.

After this strange experience, George returned in the afternoons to eat toast with old McGraw; they never understood each other's words, but they learned to appreciate each other's company.

Thanks for coming by,

See you next time...

Su pequeña patita, extendida al máximo, apenas rozaba el borde del plato. Se alargó un poco más, parándose de puntitas para alcanzar su botín, el sonido de unas botas pesadas retumbaban cada vez más cerca. De un momento a otro, pronto llegaría el viejo McGraw y sería su fin.

“Es demasiado tarde”, gritaban sus compañeros apremiándole.

“Sal de ahí”, repetían una y otra vez; pero Jorge estaba decidido a lograr su objetivo a pesar de las advertencias que hacían sus amigos.

Jorge era un joven mapache que gustaba meter su nariz donde no lo llamaban, solía zambullirse en los botes de basura y buscar los tesoros que los humanos desechaban por su ignorancia. Jamás entendía cómo podían dejar una manzana a medio morder o una deliciosa rebanada de pizza sin tocar.

Sin embargo, aquella mañana, el aroma a tostada fresca captó su atención. Tras la ventana cuasi abierta de la cocina podía ver como el viejo McGraw vertía un poco de miel sobre las humeantes tostadas. El estómago de Jorge rugió en ese momento.

Satisfecho, el viejo McGraw se sentó a la mesa junto con su plato de tostadas. Pacientemente, tomó una de las tostadas y le dio una mordida, salpicando la miel sobre la mesa. La boca de Jorge se hizo agua. Sus ojos quedaron prendidos en las pequeñas gotas doradas que se escurrían por el borde de la tostada que sostenía el viejo.

En ese instante, el teléfono sonó y el viejo de mala cara, soltó su tostada y salió de la cocina maldiciendo.

Jorge supo que era el momento. Se encaramó sobre la repisa de la ventana dispuesto a robar las deliciosas tostadas del viejo McGraw; cuando estaba a punto de entrar furtivamente, escuchó el chillido de una voz familiar.

“¿A dónde crees que vas?”, escarmentó Martina. Tras ella estaba Pip, estrujando sus manitas y moviendo sus ojos de un lado al otro, era evidente que había confesado el paradero de Jorge. Jamás podía guardar un secreto.

“Solo me tomara unos segundos, hermanita”, respondió con cariño Jorge

Y dejando atrás las protestas de su hermana, se escabulló tras el agujero que tenía la ventana. Aún no había sido reparado. Recordaba haber escapado por el mismo agujero cuando el viejo McGraw le había arrojado la vieja cafetera para alcanzarlo. Aquella noche se había levantado la esposa de McGraw haciendo un algarabía por el escándalo que había provocado al romper uno de los cristales de la ventana, momento que aprovechó Jorge para huir lo más lejos posible.

Pero esta vez estaba seguro de que no lo atraparían, había escuchado un repiqueteo de campanitas, lo que significaba que nuevamente el viejo hablaría con el extraño objeto que se llevaba al oído. Generalmente pasaba mucho tiempo haciéndolo, aunque Jorge no entendía por qué el viejo lo hacía, quizás ya la edad le estaba pasando factura.

Se escurrió bajo la mesa y dejó a su nariz que lo guiara hacia el manjar.

La mesa era mucho más alta de lo que había visto desde la ventana, se puso sobre sus dos patitas traseras, estirándose lo más que pudo, su pequeña mano rozó algo pegajoso. De inmediato, la trajo de vuelta y sus pequeños dedos tocaron su boca.

El rico sabor dulce de la miel activó más aún sus ganas de hincarle el diente a la tostada.

Hipnotizado, no se percató que el silencio reinaba en la habitación, los chillidos de Martina y Pip habían cesado, incluso el sonido de las pesadas botas. Se apresuró a dar pequeños saltos para alcanzar el plato, pero lo único que sus intentos consiguieron fue empujarlo aún más lejos. Hizo un último intento, dando un gran salto y trató de estirarse lo más que pudo para tomar de una vez por todas las tostadas. Pero su rudeza hizo que empujara el plato fuera de la mesa, este cayó y se partió en miles de pedazos.

Jorge quedó petrificado ante la escena y la mirada del viejo McGraw tras su escopeta, quien silenciosamente había llegado descalzo y apuntaba directamente a la cabeza del pequeño mapache.

Martina cayó sobre los brazos de Pip al desmayarse.

Jorge subió sus pequeñas manitos temblorosas a la altura de la cabeza y sus grandes ojos se abrieron aún más, fijos en los ojos del viejo McGraw.

La mirada de Jorge conmovió a tal grado al viejo McGraw que le hizo recordar a su hijo pequeño, ya muerto durante la última guerra que había tenido su país.

Para sorpresa de Jorge, McGraw dejó su arma sobre la mesa y tomó una de las tostadas recién hechas que aun reposaban en el viejo tostador y después de bañarla en miel se la ofreció a Jorge.

Jorge la tomó con cautela y una vez en sus manos, la aseguró entre sus dientes y huyó de inmediato por el hueco de la ventana.

Antes de marcharse, echó una mirada al viejo McGraw, su expresión se había ablandado y su cara arrugada dibujaba una tierna sonrisa.

Después de aquella extraña experiencia, Jorge volvía por las tardes a comer una tostada con el viejo McGraw, jamás entendían lo que se decían pero aprendieron a apreciar sus compañías.

Gracias por visitar

Hasta la próxima.

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That is a nice breakfast with. Thanks for sharing this story 👍

Hi! Thanks 😄

Such a lovely story I wish I had that raccoon. I could see his little hands reaching out. He's right we do spill a lot of food unless we have a dog around. He was brave although drivven by his nose but it worked out perfectly for both. 😁

Kopie van #comment - cat read and support.jpg

Hi! Thank you very much. You are right. I have two dogs and no food wasted 😅

I have them too but the cat is first. 🤣