Muffled Verbal Virus-- the narrative
My godness thought for today. The current narrative being perpetrated upon the American people is an absolute crime. Problems arise from our inability, as individuals, to affect any change in the narrative. The internet is a great place for the exchange of ideas, but be for-warned; big brother wants to be the ultimate censor.
The messages out there are muffled by the sheer volume itself. How does one decide who or what to believe about anything? Especially, when there are voices spreading untruths on purpose. With the intent to destroy any semblance of civility.
Verbal dances have become the norm. “Doublespeak” is real. Examples happen daily. Part of the narrative disruption tactics of “the powers that be”. Confused and bewildered, I always lament.
There is a light to be followed. It’s found within us all. We just need to tend that fire a little. Stir up the cinders, the Holy Spirit will gently fan the smoke away and unleash HIS guiding light.
Virus, another buzz word these days. It’s totally high-jacked the narrative. This is another symptom of the perverse agenda we’re being force-fed. “Don’t get close to one another.” “ Don’t touch or embrace each other.” “Cover your face so you can’t share a smile with someone.” Negative directives! We will not live like this. We will not receive a vaccine. We are whole, within ourselves. We don’t need the government to tell us how to exist. Our mind’s determine our reality and we reject the agenda they’re proposing
We must do the things within our own sphere of influence that we know are productive and helpful for all. Love our neighbor. Love ourselves. Use our minds constructively. We can’t get caught up in the muffled verbal virus. We won’t swallow the fear they are trying to create. Love will guide our every thought and all will be well, when the dust settles.