A little More Of Nothing

in hive-161155 •  4 months ago  (edited)


It could have been delicious, but you know what they say —“too many cooks spoil the broth”. Sometimes, the idea of perfection can be a packaged myth; some things are just ok for what they’re worth. A smile doesn't need an extra curve, just as there's no perfect kind of frown. What does it take to have a perfect sunrise or sunset? Or how perfectly does it have to rain?
We never can tell what we bend, break or batter out of place as we strive for perfection. It's like wanting to be God when we're not even done being humans. It's a continuation of the Eden scenario: the serpent appealing to the woman's desire; peaking a lust, twisting the narrative and essence of what is rightfully forbidden. That being-like-God offer was a cajolement of her will to refuse to remain in her humanity. How could she not have seen it coming? Well, she couldn't; just as we oftentimes don't.

Seems like man's crave for perfection is to fill an eternal vacuum in his soul — a testament that he’s lost touch with the perfect essence of his humanity. All of nature remains in its original state, but only humans keep changing in form and nature to fit into a picture that stands against their true being. “Lost” may not be the best description, but it suffices.
However, we've been in control of our destinies long enough to relinquish that power to anyone or anything else, not even our Maker. We can and have been recreating our lives the way we deem fit to suit our interpretations and justifications of our human superiority complexes. Karma is nature's bitch nonetheless, giving back to us in full measure what we give or take away from it. What cannot be replenished should not be tampered with, in dishonor — you have no idea what might come after that.

We'll have no need for a perfect life if there was nothing threatening our originality. Original is perfect. Original is true. That's not to say we shouldn't explore possible dimensions of our creative powers and dominion mandate. Of course, necessity is the mother of invention —or how do they say it—and diversity is the spice of life. But man has only been good at creating, recreating, and dominating, not at replenishing.

We are not disadvantaged by design. We keep shortchanging ourselves due to that “knowledge of good and evil” —an illusive self-elevating consciousness.
Who would look at little children— in their charm and innocence— and wish they were something better than that? Adults really need to learn from children. These angels don't worry about changing the world, nor are they obsessed about changing themselves - they just want to enjoy everything that makes life meaningful, and that's how it should go. Let's not take that away; adults can have and enjoy that too. Besides, who is responsible for all the good that's going wrong in the world—and who's responsible for fixing the damage?

Dear adults, don’t ruin your mind over what's not yours to control. You got a life first before you ever got anything else, so live! Smile at your imperfections, be they actual or perceived. You’ve got a perfect body, don't dump it in a gym or in a surgical room just to look perfect?
You're doing a good job (whatever it is), as long as it ain't criminal, you're heaven's delight.
Be proud of you, cos you're one in a lifetime - no one comes close. Your life's as good as it was meant to be. You don't need a little more of anything to lose your sleep for. Stop tightening your grip on that control throttle —no matter what you've been told, we aint God, and never can we, or will be. You are enough for you—for your world. So cut yourself some slack, and pour yourself some wine. You sef don try.


If you're wondering what this writing is about, it's just a little more of nothing. 😄
A way to let you know that you are amazing just the way you are.

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