Fear of aging is one of the most common fears that can arise in anyone. Psychologists are sure that fear of old age is normal.
But it is important to improve yourself and understand that any age has its pros and cons. And most importantly, preparing for age changes, we are usually struck by what happens to the body when the 40-year milestone is reached.
Like everything in this life, we must consider the positive and negative points of 40 years. However, it's worth noting that not all of these changes will necessarily happen to you. Much depends on lifestyle and human health.
At the age of 40, both men and women have more life experience, are easier to face difficulties and know how to act in unforeseen situations. Therefore, it is highly likely that such couples will become good parents. Furthermore, the financial situation at the age of 40 is usually much better than at the age of 20. This means that adult parents will be able to give their children everything they need, and even more.
Psychologists say that at age 40, women are much more self-reliant and self-confident than at age 20 or even 30. This allows them to appreciate themselves, not worry about anything, to exclude toxic people from their lives and be truly happy. and financially independent.
Definitely at age 40 there is a large-scale reevaluation of himself and his environment. Therefore, both women and men can become more attractive both in their own eyes and in the eyes of others.
Regarding the difficulties of age, it should be noted that from the age of 40, it is much more difficult for a woman to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, if you have a choice and a desire, then it is better to give birth to children at a younger age. Although it should be noted that science does not stop, and in many cases, doctors successfully solve the problems associated with the reproductive system of men and women.
Another negative aspect of 40 years is baldness:
The problem of baldness mainly concerns men. And although many lose their thick hair even before their 30s, 53% of men start to go bald only after their 40s. In women, hair generally doesn't fall out as intensely, but it becomes much less common with age. And while this is unpleasant, the problem has a downside: hair on the legs and other parts of the body also gets smaller.
To avoid intense hair loss, it is recommended to take proper care of your hair: cut it as necessary, make masks and refuse to use a hair dryer. Diversify your diet and add more vitamins to your diet. And also visit the trichologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the hair loss that is relevant to you and will help eliminate it or minimize the consequences.
Another notable change is growth. After 30 years, people gradually begin to slow their growth. But only at the age of 40 can you notice it yourself. That is why, to maintain growth, exercise more and eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.
As for metabolism, you should know that it will slow down and muscle mass will be lost faster. That is, if at age 40 you will eat the same way as at age 20, chances are that you will gain weight quickly. For this reason, from the age of 40 you must take care of your diet and exercise to maintain a balance in your weight.
You will say and these are the only changes that are experienced, since there are not many changes from the age of 40, as in sexuality, for example. But I just wanted to make a comparison in aspects some intrinsic and other extrinsic aspects.
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