Day 1487: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: weather forecast (the harvest has been lost)

in hive-161155 •  3 years ago 

Antonio had had a bad weather forecast when he began to sow beans on his farm, the harvest was ready, it only needed a few days to start harvesting. The truth was that the rains and floods began on the farm, there was no synchronization of the weather, so that Antonio could get the account right when he could actually plant.

They were very strong days, he only managed to save a part of the harvest, the other part was lost, the floods took the other part of the harvest. Antonio was very sad to see part of his harvest lost. He did not want to tell his wife what had happened, she had warned him and he did not want to listen to her.

Antonio said: "I will keep an eye on the rainy months and which ones are harmful so as not to sow," his wife told him:

-Experience makes the difference, seek advice from other farmers who cultivate the land and make a schedule of vegetables and grasses that you can plant.



Antonio había tenido un mal pronostico del tiempo, cuando en su hacienda comenzó a sembrar caraotas, la cosecha estaba lista solo faltaba en pocos días empezar a recoger . Lo cierto fue que comenzaron las lluvias e inundaciones en la hacienda, no hubo sincronización del tiempo, para que Antonio sacara bien la cuenta cuando en realidad podía sembrar.

Fueron días muy fuertes, solo logró salvar una parte de la cosecha, la otra parte se perdió, las inundación se llevó la otra parte de la cosecha. Antonio se sentía muy triste al ver perder parte de su cosecha. No quiso comunicarle a su esposa lo sucedido, ella se lo había advertido y no quiso hacerle caso.

Antonio dijo:-Estaré pendiente de los meses de lluvia y cuales son perjudiciales para no sembrar, su esposa le dijo:

-La experiencia hace la diferencia, busca asesorarte con otros hacendados que cultivan la tierra y haz un cronograma de las hortalizas y gramíneas que puedas sembrar.


Gracias por leerme

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