Robust testing system on human resources - A freewrite

in hive-161155 •  3 years ago 

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Theme: Robust testing system

These days my sister has been looking for work, because due to all this matter of the pandemic we all know how difficult it is to maintain a stable income today. We have always been part of a humble family, with few resources but with a lot of love. We are looking for ways to generate income while we try to overcome these difficult situations such as the virus.

And my sister was telling me that in her job search, she had to appear in several human resources interviews where they asked her a lot of questions, the last two weeks she has spent in that, with the difference that now companies are doing everything via the internet, then the questions are asked through a camcorder from home and live and direct.

What she has told me that caught my attention is the evaluation system they use, and it has something in common with all the interviews she has attended: it is a robust testing system where it seems that they have a template to do it. the same questions to all the interviewees, she found out about this because several of her friends were interviewed by the same companies and they were all asked the same questions.

This evaluation system is very positive and helps the company know and be able to select the right people.

My sister made a list of the most frequent questions they ask everyone and shared them with the rest of her friends but she did not want to pass any of them on to me (differences between brothers, you know that that happens even in the best families).

And so I learned a little more about something new today.

Note: This story is a figment of my imagination, written for the daily freewrite initiative.


I hope you enjoyed it.



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