"I am not afraid"

in hive-161155 •  7 days ago 



Zara was a weak and cowardly girl. If anyone scared her, she would cry and be scared all day long.
Zara's friend used to explain to her a lot, that she should not make her fear her weakness because this world scares those who are afraid even more. Zara and Saba were childhood friends and always stayed together.
Zara and Saba used to ride the same bus to college. Whether it was to go to the market or the bookstore, they would both go together. On the way, they would encounter many boys who would tease them. Saba would often explain to Zara that she should not be afraid of boys but should face them bravely. But Zara's fear was growing stronger day by day.

Then an idea came to Saba's mind. Saba met Zara's father and told him the whole situation and asked him for permission to train in the self-defense workshop.
Zara's father also understood the whole situation and gave permission. He also wanted his daughter to become a brave girl and face the people of the world (an ideal father). At first Zara was refusing that she would not take the training. But Saba forcibly took her with her to the training center.

Zara went to the training center and once again tried to stop Saba (from joining the center). And said that she had not to fight with someone. Then a strong and confident trainer came forward and said that self-defense is not just about fighting, but it is a way of protecting yourself. And then Zara learned how to protect herself without being afraid. How to raise our voice and how to stop someone.
If there is a threat to our lives, at which point should we hit the attacker so that he becomes weak?
Then Zara realized that instead of being afraid, she should face the situation bravely. And after getting trained in a self-defense workshop, she started to feel proud of herself.

<The End

Cc:- @aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty
My purpose in using this image was to show that when a woman leaves her fears and insecurities behind and faces situations bravely, she is not afraid of anything. She faces even the most difficult situations in life with courage.

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

@aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty

I want to give this article an 8 out of 10. The article is not very long, but it highlights the need for motivation for girls for self-protection.
In our society, we must train our sisters and daughters in self-defense so that they do not need anyone to protect themselves.

#wewrite #comment

Cerita anda mengingatkan saya pada waktu kecil dulu, saya sering di bully oleh anak-anak nakal di sekolah, namun saya tidak tahu dari mana datangnya keberanian untuk melawan mereka dan benar ketika kita melawan maka mereka tidak akan berani lagi membully kita lagi.

Saya juga masih ingat waktu sekolah dulu berkelahi dengan anak laki-laki gara-gara dia memaki ibu saya dengan secepat kilat saya langsung menyerangnya dan berkata jangan pernah kau sebut nama ibuku dengan kata-kata kotormu dan aku akan memukulmu untuk itu.

Kalau saya pikir-pikir saya pasti kalah karena badannya lebih besar dari saya dan dia seorang anak lelaki yang tenang nya jauh lebih kuat, tapi saya tidak takut dan saya bisa mengalahkannya

Sungguh kenangan yang tidak ingin saya ingat, saya merasa seperti seorang anak perempuan yang preman melawan anak laki-laki 🤦

#wewrite #comment

Salute to your courage and bravery. You proved in your love for your mother even at a little age that if anyone looks at you with the wrong eye or attacks your family with the wrong words, there will definitely be retaliation.
And this is a memory that you should not worry about forgetting, but should tell your children that you have set an example in love for your parents. I am proud of you. I will also tell this incident to my children.
#wewrite #comment

Terimakasih naina....ya harus saya akui kalau saya paling tidak suka jika ada orang yang berkata jelek terhadap ibuku dan aku akan memberikan pelajaran untuknya supaya dia tidak akan berani lagi dengan saya.

Sekarang saya mempunyai 3 orang putra dan putraku yang bungsu telah mewarisi sifat masa kecil saya dulu, dia juga akan melakukan hal yang sama jika ada yang menyakitinya dan menyebut nama ibunya dengan kata yang tidak baik.

Akan tetapi anak saya yang pertama dan kedua dia sangat penakut dan akan mengadukan semua pada saya, karakter mereka sangat berbeda dari saya dan adiknya yang bungsu.

Tapi Alhamdulillah anak saya yang pertama sudah dewasa dan tak ada yang berani membullynya lagi sekarang, karena akan bersikap tegas.

Saya selalu menceritakan perihal saya masa kecil dulu termasuk saat saya membela Abang saya dari gangguan anak nakal lainnya, ceritanya saat banjir kami bermain rakit dari pohon pisang dan ada beberapa anak mencoba merusak rakit Abang saya.

Saya menjadi marah dan mengambil parang yang sedang kami gunakan memotong pohon pisang dan mengatakan pada mereka " kalian masih mau melihat matahari esok pagi"
Dan seketika itu mereka lari sebab mereka mengenal saya yang akan melawan siapa pun yang menganggu kami, padahal kalau mau membacok mereka dengan parang itu tidak mungkin saya lakukan, walaupun saya masih kecil saat itu masih bisa memikirkan resiko yang terjadi.

Itu sering di ucapkan orang dewasa kalau kita berbuat jahat kepada orang lain, jadi saya selalu mengingat kata-kata itu.

#wewrite #comment

This could be a good story but again it feels as if you list "facts" which makes it less fluently to read.

It would be good if you don't keep repeating the names that frequently. Can you replace or delete a few? How about words like: she, her friend, the girls and so on.


I have used the word Zara's friend in one place and cowardly girl in another.
Are you talking about changes in these places?
Can you point out the places where I need to make changes?
If you tell me, it will make it easier for me to write future stories. Thank you.
#wewrite #comment