I can't do this again!
When will I find true love?
I'm shattered and broken!
I don't know who I am any longer!
This is the sixth time this is happening.
Everyone wants me to stay in this relationship and marry him.
No one understands the abuse I get everyday from this man.
No no no...
I'm now a shadow of myself.
Marriage is forever and I am not ready to go through this forever.
I don't believe in divorce cos I can't think of going through that stress...
It's better I quit now or never...
I don't want my children to go through that stress too..
The marriage vows swore before everyone states for better and for worse till death do us part..
My friends are getting married..
They are looking forward to my wedding soon..
I'm not getting younger either..
How do I face our families?
I'm confused..
I will be the one who will suffer this all alone forever..
Our families will not accept a divorce come what may..
It's high time I face this squarely..
It's my life!
I don't care what anyone will say or have to say.
I'm done...
I will pick up the pieces of my life and start all over again.
I'm certain I will someday find true love..
I will walk away.
Thank you for reading my blog, this is an original thoughts captured in my bedside by @nkanika4christ
All photos were shot by @nkanika4christ