Communicate, will you?!

in hive-161155 •  2 months ago 


A fierce conflict broke out between the lion and the tiger, and in the end, both sides lost. When the lion was dying, he said to the tiger, “If you didn’t insist on taking my territory, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” The tiger was surprised and said, “I never wanted to take your territory, I always thought you were going to invade me.”

Communication is important!
However, driven by anger,

How can you stop first

Communicate sincerely?

So, I want to say

Good mood and atmosphere,

It is also indispensable.

70% of communication between two people is emotion,

30% is content. The mood is not right,

The content will be distorted

With all the feelings and no good emotions,

To say more is just to vent.

You’re talking about communication, but you’re talking about something weird,

I don’t know if it’s communication or provocation.

He talks about communication, but his temper is bigger than anyone else’s,

I don’t know if it’s a conversation or a fight.

If you want to communicate, be honest.

Calm mood, sincere tone.

Cure your temper, is the person you love;

Who can stand your temper is the one who loves you.

If you can control your emotions, you are an active person.

When emotions control you, you are doomed to be passive.

Learn to communicate, learn to adjust emotions,

Learn to control your temper.

Do not, put the worst emotions

To the one who loves you the most!

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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

thank you so much


Super for a freewrite. If we talk it's always about feelings. What we see, think, experience, experienced. That bag with wrongdoings out of the past mixed with lack of trust. It's hard to communicate

Thanks for sharing this freewrite.

thank you