Daily- Weekend- & Story Prompts || Citizen

in hive-161155 •  3 months ago 

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In lost hope Tony sat in his friends front yard thinking his mind to the floor as it isn't easy to be a black man in a whites man land and scavenging like an animal for survival

The law is against me/us he murmured as he sit in his friends yard hiding from the world, his friend who was a white boy of course chooses to shelter him for while though hid him from his dad

So most times Tony had to stay with the dogs when his friends dad is home, so one day as Tony went on a road side hustle in other to raise some money for himself because all he wanted was to be valued and seen as a person

So he went house to house to seek cleaning service then one madam daryl offered to pay him to clean her pool and yard and this has being going on for months as they became aquinted to each other.

Madam deryl was old but had a grand daughter who was in college at first Tony was afraid of talking to her because he taught she would look down on him like others because of his skin colour

But as time goes by they became friends and fun of each other till one day when they law caught up to Tony and little miss daryl step up immediately and said that he should be free that they are getting married.

Tony was shocked including the police and her grandma smiled and immediately arranged a wedding which was held and automatically made Tony a citizen of the United States.

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Is it reality or a dream.
I learned this: the biggest enemy is you. Stop thinking you are different, the colour of the skin, culture, education, age, height, religion, wearing glasses, the size of your shoes matter or are the cause of everything. Once you no longer think this way life changes.

Thanks for writing with us. 👍

It's just fiction
Take the novel native son for example
It's just a fictional story nothing else


They really grow fonds of themselves as time goes on actually which is great to see