No Need to Count It, a free write response for @wakeupkitty's comment

in hive-161155 •  6 months ago  (edited)



Good Morning from Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia
May all friends always be happy.

A few days ago I wrote about the need to drink water. If you have time you can read here. For friends who are bound to understand Indonesian, I can convey that the essence of my writing is that we need to drink to maintain body health. Lack of drinking water can have a bad impact on our bodies. Sufficient fluids will improve our metabolism, maintain blood pressure, healthy skin and also improve concentration.

My last article discussed fasting in hot weather. If you have time please read here. In it I also give tips for maintaining fasting even though the weather is hot. One way is to drink water at dawn.

Why am I going back to writing two posts I already did?
All that because in the last writing I felt happy. On the one hand, I'm happy because the upvotes I get are quite large as a writer who has been inactive for a long time. Another joy is that this article received a comment from @wakeupkitty.

This is a useful tip. The only negative of drinking after dawn is visiting the toilet throughout the night.
I hope it's not too warm and I hope I get a little of your warmth. It's still cold tonight.

I recommend you as a writer. It would be better if you repeat it if you have time.

All the best, be blessed

I have answered her post. But I thought I'd write again in response to those comments.

The right time to drink water

Steemian Friends.
Drinking water to prevent dehydration is important. However, we often read that the need for water a day is 8 glasses, not 8 liters, you know. This is equivalent to 2 liters per day. But remember, don't understand it lexically. Don't think about immediately thinking about measuring the volume of air you drink every day.

We don't need to remember how many glasses of water we drink. We also don't need to divide eight glasses into eight or four different times as a drinking schedule.

Then when is the right time to drink?

Our body already has an "alarm". Our natural alarm is thirst.
When we are thirsty, our body needs to drink. that's the right time to drink water. If we follow the signs from our body well then we can drink approximately 2 liters of water. It could be less, or it could be more. What is important is that the need for water is met properly.

Then what about what @wakeupkitty wrote?
Drinking water at night will make us go to the toilet too often.

Yes, that's right, drinking water before bed will keep the kidneys working. As a result, our body's excretory system produces urine. This urine will be released when we urinate in the toilet. Therefore, at night before bed, just drink enough. You don't need much. However, we need to provide water near the bed so that whenever we wake up and feel thirsty we can immediately reach for a glass to drink.

Urine color can also be a sign of sufficient air in the body. If the color is too dark it means we are not drinking enough. If this condition is found, immediately drink water. If your body has enough fluids, the color of your urine will be brighter or clearer. So it's a good idea when we urinate to pay attention to the color of the urine as one of the body's natural alarms about having enough water

Thal all my writing this time. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post.
Warm regard from Indonesia,

Bahasa Indonesia

Selamat Pagi dari Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Semoga semua sahabat bahagia selalu.

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya menulis perlunya minum air putih. Kalau punya waktu bisa membaca di sini. Bagi teman-teman yang terikat memahami bahasa Indonesia dapat saya sampaikan inti dari tulisan saya adalah kita perlu minum untuk menjaga kesehatan badan, Kekurangan minum air putih bisa membuat dampak buruk pada badan kita. Kecukupan cairan akan membuat metabolisme kita menjadi lebih baik, menjaga tekanan darah, kesehatan kulit dan juga meningkatkan konsentrasi.

Tulisan saya yang terakhir membahas puasa dalam keadaan cuaca panas. Jika Anda punya waktu silakan baca di sini. Di dalamnya saya juga memberi tips untuk menjaga agar puasa bisa tetap dijalankan meski cuaca panas. Salah satunya adalah dengan minum air putih saat sahur.

Mengapa saya kembali menuliskan dua postingan yang telah saya lakukan?
Semua itu karena pada tulisan terakhir saya merasa senang. Satu sisi saya senang karena upvote yang saya dapatkan lumayan besar sebagai penulis yang lama tidak aktif. Kegembiraan lainnya adalah tulisan ini mendapat komentar dari @wakeupkitty.

These are usefull tips. The only negative thing of drinking after dawn is toilet visits during the entire night.
I hope it's not too warm and wished I had some of your warmth. It's still freezing at night.

I recommended you as a writer. It would be nice of you to redpind if time.

All the best, blessed be

Saya sudah menjawab postingan beliau. Tapi saya berpikir untuk kembali menulis sebagai tanggapan atas komentar tersebut.

Waktu yang tepat untuk minum Air

Sahabat Steemian.
Minum air untuk menjaga dehidrasi menjadi hal yang penting. Namun, kita sering membaca bahwa kebutuhan air dalam sehari adalah 8 gelas, bukan 8 liter lho ya. Ini setara dengan 2 liter per hari. Tapi ingat jangan dipahami secara leksikal . Jangan berpikir untuk langsung berpikir untuk mengukur volume udara yang diminum setiap harinya.

Kita tidak perlu mengingat-ingat sudah berapa gelas air yang kita minum. kita juga tidak perlu membagi delapan gelas ke dalam delapan atau empat waktu berbeda sebagai jadwal minum.

Lalu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk minum?

Tubuh kita sudah punya "alarm". Alarm alami kita adalah rasa haus.
Saat kita haus maka sat itu tubuh kita membutuhkan minum. itulah saat tepat untuk minum air. Kalau kita mengikuti tanda dari tubuh kita dengan baik maka kita bisa minum air kurang lebih 2 liter. Bisa kurang, atau bisa juga lebih. Yang penting adalah kebutuhan akan air trepenuhi dengan baik.

Lalu bagaimana dengan apa yang ditulis oleh @wakeupkitty?
Minum air di malam hari akan membuat kita terlalu sering ke kamar toilet.

Ya betul, minum air sebelum tidur akan membuat ginjal terus bekerja. Dampaknya, sistem ekskresi pada tubuh kita menghasilkan urin. Urine ini akan dikeluarkan saat kita kencing di toilet. Oleh karena itu, saat malam sebelum tidur minumlah secukupnya saja. Tidak perlu banyak-banyak. Namun, kita perlu menyediakan air di dekat tempat tidur agar sewaktu-waktu kita terjaga dan merasa haus kita bisa langsung meraih gelas untuk minum.

Warna urin juga bisa menjadi pertanda kecukupan udara pada tubuh. Jika warnanya terlalu gelap itu berarti kita kurang minum. Jika kondisi ini ditemukan maka segeralah minum air. Badan yang cukup cairan maka warna urin akan lebih cerah atau jernih. Jadi ada baiknya saat kita kencing memperhatikan warna urin sebagai salah satu alarm alami tubuh akan kecukupan air.

Demikian tulisan saya kali ini semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih telah mamp[ir dan membaca postingan saya.Salam hangat dari saya,

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@rokhani I have practically tried 8 liters of water in a day and when I say 8 liters that's what I mean - 8 liters. And 3 liters were in the morning itself, in one go. But that was for a trial and that lasted for a few weeks only.

As far as intake of water, it depends on the climate of the place you live in. I need more water during summers in India compared to what I drink in winters and the quantity keeps changing as I keep changing my location on the globe. So there is no hard and fast rule. By the way, while I work sitting inside of my AC office, I keep sipping water every hour or so because our body gets more dehydrated in that situation.

Wow, you can try water therapy up to 8 liters. As a therapy for detoxification, of course you need to consume more water. And you've tried it.

As far as intake of water, it depends on the climate of the place you live in. I need more water during summers in India compared to what I drink in winters and the quantity keeps changing as I keep changing my location on the globe. So there is no hard and fast rule. By the way, while I work sitting inside of my AC office, I keep sipping water every hour or so because our body gets more dehydrated in that situation.

The body's fluid needs are influenced by many factors, including climate, activity or place of work. In Indonesia, which only has two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season, it still requires sufficient water intake. Whether it's summer or not, but the weather is hot, of course we need lots of water. Like now, if you count the season, it has already entered the rainy season. However, natural conditions are not as discussed, namely that the rainy season will feel cool. In fact. In fact, evenings which are usually cold also feel hot so like it or not we have to drink lots of water. Likewise, if the workplace is not indoors, in a rice field or in another outdoor location, you will definitely need more water. All of this is to keep the body well hydrated.
Thank you for giving comments. This is support for me to be able to continue being active on Steemit again,
Send my warm greeting to all your family.

The intake of water depends on your work and environment for sure! For instance, now I live in Canberra so my water intake is lesser compared to when I live in Sydney where the weather is different from here. I hope you will continue working on Steemit as we need more knowledgeable people here.

Thank you for supporting me. You encourage me to share everything which useful for all. Wish me luck!

A super idea to turn a response into a freewrite! 👍

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Thank you for your kind words. It encourage me to keep writing

We hope to read you again.

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I hope so then we see many steemian "get up' and play the role..

We will if we write about their post, see if you can use a daily prompt as well.

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Yes i will try to use daily prompt .

You gave me a good laugh as you mentioned those 8 litres of water!

Let's see if I can answer you with a prompt.

Thank you for your support. I think that my post and every comments are look like our talking and it will make us closer and as a big family in the world. Trough Steem we cn takl each other and can erase tne boundary such country or anything else

You read my comment (too much water) by now and it's good to see how we both received some comments. I hope to write another comment soon. If possible I will use a contest or combinate it with a freewrite prompt.

This way we are for sure more noticed. If

👋🍀I write a comment I will leave the link in the commeny section.

I hope more will join.

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Great idea. In the past when I was newby although now i am still newby i use this way to attract the reader or poster that I commented. After comment properly I promote my post too. I use sentence like this
"if you have time you can visit my post" may be is was not polite enough but I am use that sentence to reduce impoliteness And then it look worked.

That is a very smart thing to do. Well, it's after midnight, I am off to bed. I bsked my son's birthday cake and will see what to write about. I think while I sleep.

How come you are still a newb?

See you later. 👋

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Send my greeting for your Son
Happy Birthday
May blessing always follow him.


I will, thank you.

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it is fun to make as talking with a post. We can take "revenge" each other as a creative way.

We can indeed! 👍👋

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Yes you are right. Thank you to inspire me and we hope more end more steemian become these steps. It will make Steemit more interesting again

It will indeed. But if we have a group of 20 people it's fine too and we will be super busy.

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  ·  6 months ago (edited)

It takes time for us to reply to each other, especially if we form a group, it's certainly very busy
But it great idea too

It doesn't matter if it takes time, the comment will be better. I will use it as one of my first tags so comment can be found back.

I 'nearly' finished mine 😁 - I need to edit and check the links might take the entire day but I hope not.

Happy writing.

Pa this gives energy doesn't it?

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Gathering energy can come from anywhere, even from just small talk, then become a spark that can give us strength to fight, enthusiasm to write and continue to create


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