Everything is just a matter of choice

in hive-161155 •  4 years ago 

If there is anything that can irritate me deeply, it is this conformism!!

Do you know that person who keeps complaining about life and who never does anything to change his/her reality?? The one who always thinks he is the saddest, most incapable and unlucky person in the world??

Yes, the desire I sometimes feel is to go there, lift it by the ear, shake it and say looking into his/her eyes: You know what?? You will die!! Yes!! DIE!!

We all have this desire.. And you know what?? May be tomorrow, it may still be today.. Can it be Now?? There is no time to wait.. Get your ass up there and try to do something useful for yourself.. Do you know how many people are right now struggling to stay alive?? That they gave everything to have their age, their health, their body??

So tell me: What keeps you from living?? Sometimes it seems to me that you try hard to be sad, or at least seem to be..

Living is not that complicated.. Come on..
Doesn't your relationship make you happy?? Finish!!
Don't you like your city?? Move on!!
Does your job suck? Resign!!
Do you like that person?? Tell him/her!!
Doesn't he/she want you?? Let's go on!!
Is that person judging you?? Send him/her shit!!
Did you choose the wrong course?? Change it!!
Do you want to meet new people?? Get out of the house!!
Do you want to live abroad?? Buy the ticket!!
Are you unable to make any of these changes at this time?? Make it happen!!

Set a goal.. It's not that I am trying to minimize your problem.. What I'm saying is that it cannot be greater than you, than your faith and your willpower.. There are millions of people right now with problems much bigger than yours and so many others who had much less than you have today and have arrived exactly where you dream of arriving..

Don't be a coward.. Your future depends entirely on you.. There is no use trying to blame anyone else.. The world will not wait for your tears to dry.. No more fragility.. You do not always have to leave the house in your best clothes, but it is very worthwhile to smile..

There is no doubt: if your joy is contagious, life reciprocates.. It is all a matter of choice: either you spend the rest of your days wondering how it could have been, or you put your face in it, face your fears and build your reality.. For me the whole thing is very simple.. Make your life worth what you would like and if it isn't do something about it!!

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