Chaos, Coffee, and ADHD: My Struggle to Focus Before an Interview

in hive-161155 •  5 months ago  (edited)

DALL·E 2024-09-10 21.41.51 - A person sitting at a desk trying to focus on preparing for an interview. The environment around them is chaotic, with distractions like phone calls, .webp

Chaos, Coffee, and ADHD: My Struggle to Focus Before an Interview

A Morning Full of Action(s)

Today is one of those days where I find myself in a situation that demands all my focus. I'm on a job search and have an interview coming up, so I woke up this morning, made myself a coffee, and sat down to prepare. I’m very structured when it comes to learning, so first, I began by writing down everything that might be useful to know for the interview.

Five minutes into the task, someone knocks on my door. It’s the mailman. He usually just drops off the mail, but today, he decided to knock. He knocked, dropped the mail, and left without even saying hello. There was nothing important in the mail, so I got back to my studies. Ten minutes later, my phone rings: telemarketing. I tell them to remove me from their list, set my phone on Do Not Disturb, and continue. Twenty minutes in, there’s another knock at my door. A power-wash professional asks if I need my driveway cleaned. I don’t know what it is about this day. It's Tuesday, and I haven’t had this many door knocks or unattended phone calls in the last three months, but it seems like tomorrow's interview is a magnet for everything and everyone to get in touch with me.

I’m writing this in the afternoon, and a glance at my phone reveals five missed calls, ten emails, and I don’t even want to mention the fly hovering around me, landing on my paper as I jot down interview notes. It feels like the universe is testing my focus, and I’m miserably failing.

Back to the Interview Prep

I know my job inside and out, but I often forget certain situations I might be asked about and how I handled them. On top of that, there's my constant companion, ADHD. I’m usually totally nervous until one minute before the call, but once I’m in the interview, I transform into a calm being, one with the universe and surrounded by happy thoughts.

That is, until I get asked an unexpected question, and POW ADHD takes the spotlight, and I experience what I call a “knowledge blackout.” In this situation, all I can do is try to articulate myself, often stuttering. My facial expression changes into something akin to a child just told that there’s no chocolate ice cream for dessert and all the Kinder products have been eaten.

Sometimes, I even start stuttering and ask the interviewer to repeat the question. The response goes in one ear and out the other, without my brain processing it. I hear the words, but the moment they're spoken, I forget them. I’m left empty. My brain has hiccups and stops working, much like when a hard drive has read errors, just without the “rrrrrrtututut rrrrtututut” sound. To be honest, it would be quite hilarious if my brain made that noise. It would at least clue the interviewer in that I’m having a file read error, and it's not just a frozen internet connection.

In the past, the best way for me to prepare for an interview was to not prepare at all and just go in as I am, because then I can’t mix things up. Unfortunately, I can’t do that right now because I’ve been out of work for a while and have forgotten a lot.

So now, I try to remember as much as I can from past work situations by writing them down. Some are good, and some are bad. I imagine what questions I would ask if I were the interviewer for this role, using the job description and requirements as a guide.

For example, if a requirement is “excellent communication skills,” I think of situations where I had to inform co-workers about a new feature or a bug. In short, it’s a little time travel into my job history. I write these scenarios down and review them before the interview.

My ADHD and Asperger's

I don’t want to give the impression that ADHD is my excuse for everything that goes wrong, but it definitely has an impact. I’m not sure if the blackouts I described are due to ADHD or if everyone experiences these “empty brain” moments. What I do know is that, since learning I have Asperger's, I’ve come to understand that my perception of people is flawed because I struggle to read their facial expressions. I tend to overthink and get nervous when I believe someone looks skeptical of me or if I feel they don’t like me.

My Solutions and Habits

When I find myself in a blackout situation, I try to calm down, tell the interviewer I need a moment, count silently to five, and then continue.

Most of the time, it’s simply because I’m nervous, and I can usually turn the situation around pretty quickly. In cases where I can’t, I remind myself that it’s probably for the best. I don’t want to work for people who can’t understand that nobody is perfect and that we’re all just imperfect human beings.

My overall recipe for good interviews is to know my history, hold myself in high self-esteem, and remember that even if I get rejected, it’s not the end of the world. The universe always presents us with challenges to help us grow. We just need to stay persistent and patient.

Source of Picture AI generated

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Hi! I don't know if it worked out with the job... If not, and you have other applications coming up, my advice would be to mention your special situation in your written application. Explain what ADHD and Asperger's contribute to your public image. At the same time, mention the advantages that this mental configuration brings - creative problem-solving strategies, recognising mistakes and weaknesses, abstract logic... I can imagine a lot of jobs where you'd be worth your weight in gold and a lot of bosses who would appreciate that. You just need to find each other and get along... All the best!

Spam de Chat GPT.

  ·  5 months ago (edited)

No @claudia, I write my text myself. I don't need a chatGPT to write for me.

The words are my own and your comment feels insulting.

thank you for explaining it was a mistake @claudia you are welcome to write with us

Tienes razón. Comenté en el post equivocado. No es la escritura AI. Mis disculpas.

see the comment underneath.. you can join the freewriters and meet your old friends.

Sí, no es IA. Se suponía que iba a comentar en un post diferente.

Por cierto, ¿saben aquí que usted está activo en Hoive y saben en Hive que usted está promoviendo activamente Steemit aquí?

Por supuesto, y también que tengo más de una cuenta. ¿Y tú? Si quitas el comentario o lo cambias por otra cosa, yo también lo haré. Intentemos ser un poco amables con las personas cuyo único deseo es escribir y encontrar algo de alivio en un rincón donde nadie los note. Gracias por dejar una respuesta, eres muy amable. Por cierto, si visitas Freewriters, verás que tú también eres bienvenido y que muchas cosas han cambiado. Sigamos así. Te deseo un buen fin de semana.

@claudia es una cuenta que se auto-vota a sí misma los comentarios desde hace mucho tiempo.

Edito: Supongo que se los vota ella misma, y que esa es la función de comentar de esa manera tipo spam.

  ·  5 months ago (edited)

It's fine I wrote a little text about it. Thank you all for standing up for me :) I was a little sad reading that comment. Spam de Chat GPT

No, it's not fine and I just read your text although I always arrive via the backdoor (comments and replies). I can tell you it's a whole new world. It's good you wrote about this topic since GPT is so easy to fool.

Dear claudia is labeled let's see if it's noticed and you just gave me a topic to write about in SCB.. I will write it right now, better to be quick since I have a pile of work to do. I will add a link to your article.

Keep writing and you can tag me if there's something dirty.

Enjoy the weekend!

Hey, @claudia stop your spam! You sound like an old vinyl repeating herself!
Spam is forbidden and your comments say enough. How about joining a writing class? What you posted 3 years ago wasn't super great and you never wrote a decent post or comment!
Is it envy that thrives on you because you can't write or are you a bully without friends?!

Try to write yourself for a change instead of wasting your time with copy-paste!

A great weekend to you, stay some time outside, it's healthier than being glued to the screen. No way you ever read any post on Steemit.

Sweet dreams


I know Verismo personally and can vouch that this post is original not ChatGPT. I encouraged Verismo to write here. This comment is indeed insulting.

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