
in hive-161155 •  3 years ago 

Botanic products? If it comes to these products I always feel kind of fooled. Botanic can be what doesn't grow in your own country. Aloe Vera is one of these products and if it comes to it nearly every product is botanical.
Botanical or Bio? Frequently it's not more than a label, rarely it is what it stands for.
I tried Aloe Vera drinks just like I tried certain other products but I cannot say I notice a difference. If it comes to wellness to me this is the biggest hoax. So are all those vitamins and minerals and products with placenta. The fact is it sells, sells very well especialy to those in need.
Botanical, Bio, Bio+, foreign, Asian, kelp, and homoeopathic give hope. Hope of being cured, younger, more attractive, taking care of the environment and whatever more people need to stay alive and struggle on.

I for me know there's not one single cure that works. A positive thought about whatever you decide to use might give you a positive feeling, positive energy which can be important too. Just to hang in and around a bit longer.


If it comes to homoeopathy only one product out of all those meds really works for me. Homeopatic treatments are a gray field. If it turns out to work it's suddenly medication, expensive and on prescription only. If the pharmaceutical industry cannot steal it it's called scam.

To be honest I think we modern people are too messed up if it comes to our being to have benefit of mother Nature. We are used to pills, milk and meat with antibiotics and if a teenager who's vegan already gets "mad cow disease" there's something seriously wrong. In a world where we inhale, drink and eat plastic, grow our own food on poisoned soil you cannot expect botanical will rescue or is better than the other products we buy and use. If it comes to it we never know what it contains for real. Botanical products have nothing in common with Mother Nature... Unfortunately.

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I cannot remember about botanical but this was popular a long time ago... What I can remember is aromatherapy because it is a nice invention that we can find in beauty products like soaps and shampoos as well. I like aromatherapy, it is made of flowers and herbs that's why the smell has a calming effect on us. You can try it guys, you can buy your mothers, aunts, and friends and they will surely love it guys.