
in hive-161155 •  2 years ago 

Kidney is Marie, my friend. I still call her my friend after all those years. The year that became decennial. Time passes by fast they say and it's true but only if you get older and there's enough that distracts you and keeps you busy.
For couch potatoes, inmates, bored, sick, people in pain, and depressed people time stands still. The same time but different feelings make what is actually nothing like the idea of time last forever, endless.
It was what Marie's life was, endless. The struggles, the pain and there were no looking forward to a better life. Why her body suddenly made a protein that killed her is unclear. No doctor bothered about figuring that out. The older you get the less interest is shown in your well-being. Once you get ill and have a hard time functioning you are useless. She wasn't old but was dumped in an elderly home. Those homes no longer exist but back then they did.
Three days a week she was dialyzed, three days she needed to recover which means one day left to live.
How does one live a life of one day a week? I'm not going to paint a picture of the life she lived, I lack the words how to describe it. Marie's hubby died young and she was left behind with two small children. Those children needed everything, wanted everything but we're hardly able to do a favour in return. I always wondered how such a sweet, attentive lady can have such terrible, selfish children. They didn't care how she felt, what she wanted, about brightening up her day. That one single day a week or add an extra day a week to her life. It could have made a world of difference. Not if it comes to the length of her life but to the quality. Feelings matter, how we feel at the end of the day matters it is the reason why we say it was a good or bad day.
A new kidney, someone else's kidney would have never been in it for Marie. That strange protein in her body would have eaten that kidney too. So Marie, my dear friend Marie, was doomed and would die soon. In the end, she died a terrible death because doctors and government didn't allow her to die! She didn't deserve that, didn't deserve the life she had, and would have been surprised how easily doctors and governments killed people in the past 2.5 years while death was refused to her.


See @mariannewest for a daily prompt

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I am speechless.
Thank you for sharing the story. I have to be grateful for the life I have.
I wish you and your family good health and happiness. 🌻

Oh, your friend's case was drastic and painful. She is already in the memory of God.

Yes, she is. It was a long, very painful and humilating way. 🍀♥️