I always use the same browser, and nothing changed. Not even the internet's IP address, still I receive the message 'you'd use another browser'. This means if it comes to read.cash I can start a new wallet with my present account or import the old one.
It beats me what's going on but for sure it's annoying. I'm still using the same phone to write and it's not easy to switch pages and search for what I need. What is asked is to import my wallet's seeds... the seed phrase, a bunch of words one most likely does not learn by head.
The idea is to save these words somewhere with all the other passwords belonging to 1001 site addresses, including those of apps, debit cards, alarm systems, phone/s, tablets, and all those seed phrases of the other wallets one might have. By now I have pages filled with phrases, passwords, and codes which should keep me and whatever I own or visit safe. Does it? I doubt it. Most browsers do remember everything, those secret passwords included.
Do I need this long list of safety words? It's not that I am filthy rich not even close to it. I worked my entire life 60-80 hours a week, I had more than one job, and I have been trying crypto for over 11 years. To be honest it did not bring me much.
All those safety words, phrases, and numbers mean nothing if it comes to the fortune it could have brought me. It's clear I ended with nothing and will leave without a cent. If it comes to it I will not even have a penny to pay the fairyman to cross the river into the land of the death. I hope Frau Holle won't be angry if I can shake the apples out of the tree, save the bread from burning or shake the beds till it starts snowing in the world of the living.
Let's hope he has an ATM or some crypto wallet and I can pay in advance and if this is not the case I can remember my wallets plus their seed phrases or where I put that list I need urgently.