Art explained by a writer - Woman On A Divan  - A poem

in hive-161155 •  last year  (edited)

I followed in the footsteps of my friends
Together we hunted for light
All we wanted was to see the results
Of sunbeams touching a world
We didn't know before

Art review EN(1).jpg

A quick trip to the moon isn't in it
Lois said as he lifted his glass of red wine
Moonlight coloured the liquid pressed
Out of the blue
Grapes which colour should be defined

Not the moon, he had mumbled
Studying the shades of light of the natural satellite
Brightening the streets of Paris
How we hungered for the unknown colours
Not yet to be discovered

Let's travel south, I suggested,
Before the big fall

This world might end
War is on its way
Paul sounded worried

Three young men,
Friends for life
Each following their path
Traces of artists searching for light
Leaving their footprints behind

Rays touching the sky, the town, people
Observing, absorbing, embracing
Vibrant heartfelt colours
Signs of life far away from home

Sunbeams on the Medina
Connecting the souls of artists
Light fall through a half-open door
Colouring a closed window

All left for her was watching
Useless, forgotten, abandoned
Life passing by her front door
A lively colourful world she once adored

Through the open door shining walls
Highlighted the neglected woman
Just for a second their eyes met
Recognization, understanding, knowledge
There is no way back

Footprints left on the pavement
Strokes of a brush on a piece of paper
Catching, reflecting the intense moment
Colouring a woman on a divan

A promise of being remembered
Light brought upon so many
Softness, sacrifices shown by pastel and sunlight
Brought back to life by pencils, brushes, and watercolour


Eine Frau auf einem Divan/Mujer en el diván (1914) - August Robert Ludwig Macke source

Header: Canva
Picture: public domain / see contest 
Style: Expressionism, Orphism (Simultanism)
Painting: Watercolour on paper 
Prompt: A Quick Trip to the Moon
I am a mobile phone user only


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Apreciada @wakeupkitty, aunque no pubicaste en la comunidad #venezolanossteem, que es donde conduzco el concurso de "Arte y Escitura", déjame decirte que este es un poema bien logrado, en el que están presentes varios temas: las ciudades y sus encantos, los colores naturales del cielo y de la luna, que transforman hasta el color del vino, los amigos que deciden juntarse para vivir instantes que nos depara la existencia, el miedo a la guerra y, finalmente, la soledad de una mujer en un diván, que es reflejo de una vida en reposo, alejada de turbulencias cotidianas.

Como siempre, me encantó la profundidad de tus versos, esos que me convocan a releerlos una y mil veces más.

Un abrazo, amiga.

Hi dear, I did not post in the community because the contest expired. I did not feel it would be appropriate to do so. I could not come to finishing it because my phone gets frozen since a few days :(

I wrote this at least 8 times.

I will check if I cn add the link of the community and wish you good luck with the contest.

I am glad you found back the details of these 3 friends, their journey and the time they are living in.

Thank you for reading and commenting.


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Comprendo. Me ha pasado muchas veces, que el tiempo da zancadas largas inalcanzables para mí.

I hope to write the next one in time but some stories need a bit more time to be born. Thank you for your understanding.
Blessings to you dear friend. 🍀❤️

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Sé de lo que hablas, pues me pasacon frecuencia. Un abrazo.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell

Mil gracias, @patjewell. Te aprecio muchísimo, y me siento honrada de contar con tu apoyo. Un abrazo.

Pleasure! 🎕

Three young men,
Friends for life
Each following their path
Traces of artists searching for light
Leaving their footprints behind.

We can all be together due to where life takes us but at the end of the day we all will find our individual paths in life.
Once again, a lovely one from you my friend, bravo!!!
So simple and beautiful, painful but beautiful still

It is how life is. We can share it with others, walk a road together but we all have our own path to take... and no matter what are close friends.

Thank you so much. 🤗

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Hai @bangun kitty

Terima kasih atas undangannya, dalam hal penulisan genre saya lebih pada edukasi, informasi dan sejenisnya. Saya bukan kategori orang yang memiliki seni menulis seperti puisi, novel dan sejenisnya.

Tapi saya suka membaca cerita silat tiongkok versi indonesia. Pengarangnya bernama asmaraman s kho ping ho. Ada yang aneh dari Kho ping Ho, dia begitu pandai menggambarkan bagaimana daratan cina beserta elemen-elemen lainnya. Padahal dia belum pernah ke negara tersebut. Tapi yang dia deskripsikan tidak ada yang meleset.

Dari anda saya mengerti akan kualitas tulisan yang sebenarnya dan satu lagi walupun anda jarang menggunakan #burnsteem25 tetapi selalu mendapatkan dukungan yang besar bahkan dari steemcurator02. Bahwa jika kita mampu membuat sesuatu yang unik dan asli maka patut untuk didukung.

Terus berkarya, sukses selalu buat anda.

To join this art and writing contest you do not need to write a poem or story. You can write whatever you like.

The German painter August Macke went to Tunis with his two friends for life to see the colours in a different country. The painter friend Louis became also famous for his coloured glass windows and friend Paul became famous too.
After the two week trip August joined the army, first world war, and he died.
This painting is a small watercolour, my guess is he painted it in a hurry.

So it's badically history I wrote about just in a different way but like said you are free to do so.

I rarely use the # burnsteem mainly because I find it a waste of hashtags. The first 4 are the most important and to be honest I prefer to use them for myself. Why? To find my own work back because Steemit does not have a register. Unfirtunately it's never the case. I saw a contest today that claims the 4 tags and there are even contests claiming 6. I will no longer join these it is too much.

If it comes to # burnsteem I also noticed that even if I do not use the tag I receive a thank you.

I don't know if you noticed it but underneath each post I write all hashtags so I do not fill them out in the hashtag field. They automatically show after posting and this way I can even use more.

I do not always receive great report. Have a look at my other account @wakeupkitty.pal
Most of my stories do not even receive 0.50 cent, not even 0.30 🤔

Same writer (me) and the clubstatus is higher...

So one me is liked and the other me is not 🤣

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  ·  last year (edited)

Hello @wakeupkitty, your writing resonates deeply with the current crises that distress us so much, echoing the same search for light in dark times. It reflects our struggle to find beauty and humanity amidst conflict, highlighting the importance of art as a beacon of hope and understanding in a world fragmented by divisions and wars. I would like to contribute in this sense, perhaps with Kollwitz's "Pieta." compassion

Feel free to write about it and you know you can always tag me!
I am still looking for a way to watch the last film you recommended. I saw the trailer on YouTube and don't know if this is my kind of film/humor but it reminded me of one I love.

Mad Monster Party! Ever saw it? It's on YouTube by now. I have it on VHS videotape 😁 and love those dolls and the music. A great storyline too, also my kind of humour.


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  ·  last year (edited)

Thank you so much for always being open to my ramblings. It helps me continue my adventure on Steemit. I find your suggestion to watch "Mad Monster Party" brilliant, it seems like we are exploring all facets of humor!
Emma Stone's performance in "Poor Things" was simply extraordinary, and no wonder it won her the Oscar. The way the film navigates themes of female empowerment, identity, and love is one-of-a-kind, combining bold storytelling with a visually arresting aesthetic. These elements found an echo for me in your beautiful text "Dr. Nicolaes Tulp" by Rembrandt, highlighting how art, in all its forms, continues to explore the human condition in ways that transcend time and space. One day, if you see him, you will tell me your opinion.
Your mention of "Mad Monster Party" is particularly intriguing to me, given my love of stop-motion animation, I can't wait to see it.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell

Thank you so much! 💕💕💕

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Congrats, dear!

Thank you 🤗

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That's so beautiful. I think I am realizing we're both hunters of light. Secret uncovered for good :)

Then let's step into the light and enjoy it!
Thank you for stopoing by and letting me know.
Blessings,a great hunt and happy writing to you.


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I am wishing you more light then :) Blessings upon you as well!

Thank you, sunlight and warmth is welcome!

Hi, dear. First time a read a poem made by you, and of course I loved it. Unos jóvenes artistas en busca de su camino terminan retratando a un solitaria mujer. Te confieso que hasta ahora no había apreciado la expresión de desolación en su rostro.

Te agradezco profundamente la promoción a la actividad de Arte y Escritura, sé que te apasiona la escritura creativa y es justo que ese concurso sea más conocido porque estoy segura de que hay muchos escritores talentosos en Steemit que no conocen de su existencia.

Un cálido abrazo

It is not my first poem but I rather write stories although many of my stories are poems too or rhymes. I just don't think it will be noticed is it is translated.

I hope I can find these writers in the next days. The Dream Steem community exists 1 year. They will have a daily challenge and ask to recommend writers, without a club is fine. Feel free to join!

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