This week I am mainly busy with driving up and down. School started again. One child has lessons in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
I have to get out of bed at 5 am and hurry to get the child in time at the bus stop. This morning the bus was a few minutes late which was good. The car's windows were frozen and no matter what you use to scratch the ice off it rarely works.
Once back home I did the dishes and washed my hair till it was time to feed the animals. Last night there was a thick fog and there still is.
It's time to make a fire again and heat the house a bit. I did not during the past three weeks.
Although the afternoon lessons start at 1 pm the bus at 10:45 am needs to be taken. The last lesson will be at 6:30 pm. I can't help wondering why adults make children stay that long in a cold school building during winter and let them walk through the city.
My guess is they will never heat schools again. A warm place is for VIPs only just like flying to Davos or around the world.
After the news nonsense about gardening, drinking tea, and so on causing heart failures and sudden death the very latest news is that gas does. Gas (using it for cooking, central heating) suddenly is the reason why people have asthma or drop dead. I wonder if the E.on, Nuon, Liander, and the government can be sued for that. The next one will be meat, electricity, and of course, traveling.
News made up, this kind of news I can't take seriously. I keep wondering why people fall for it but also why they keep reading the newspapers. Let's be honest each paper is the same, owned, and sponsored by the same people. People with a (secret) agenda. Those people also told Twitter what is allowed and what is not.
Shouldn't newspapers and magazines be abandoned? Today A is told and the next day the opposite. Is printing lies and nonsense, copied and pasted, badly translated printed "news" not a waste of paper, ink, and energy, bad for the environment just like the education of journalists?
If you like to do something good and healthy stop buying and reading newspapers.
Since most people never question or wonder and do have a short memory the world will never be a better place. Hardly anyone takes the time to read back in print, it's rare these days to meet someone who does dig into history, the real history.
The world is not getting a better place. People envy, hate, and blame others too much. I guess it's in the DNA to not be able to live and let live.
I slowly find my way back to me, an easy life with peace of mind. I know I can survive without people, luxury, all the fake news, television, radio, and all the high tech that looks great to so many but does not make these people wonder what the result will be.
If you do not hear from me I enjoy myself with things I like to do or Bill Gates - he's still the prophet and announces what will happen next - blocks my messages.
See @mariannewest for a daily prompt if you do not know what to write about.