Food security

in hive-161155 •  2 years ago 

Good, bad, healthy, unhealthy. When it comes down to it, pretty much everything we put in our mouths has been called unhealthy. What is unhealthy depends on the food industry. The disc of five, in some countries the food pyramid, has nothing to do with what is actually healthy, but what the food industry wants us to eat. The food industry is owned by only a few people and what it wants is to sell. Your and my health is not important, because if you get sick you can take the medicines that are manufactured by companies that are also in the hands of the same few people. Selling is the goal and that requires smart sales pitches. These sales pitches are not just the advertisements in newspapers and magazines or the advertisements on television but go much further.

All information about what is healthy or unhealthy is published by the food industry and governments copy this info. Those handfuls of people do not only own the media, but also all governments. This is nothing new by the way but has always been the case and therefore it is not news. He who has money is in charge and orders.

The food industry... for decades we have been told that we should all become vegetarians. Despite all the publicity, the number of vegetarians (including those who can't afford meat) is negligible. Vegetarian food is not the future. A the same time all farmers have to stop farming today and forests are being cut down worldwide. This is not only to plant soy but to build more houses, data centers, wind farms, and solar panel fields to expand smart cities (regions).

One has in mind a future world without trees, grass, vegetables, fruit, fields full of wind turbines, and nature-destroying solar panels. Generating energy at all costs is the first goal but not to keep you and me warm or (smaller) businesses running. With energy at least Bill Gates can continue to run his chemical food factory as well as his data centers.

Bill has apparently, had enough of being a vegetarian and it's about time. The man looks extremely unhealthy. Whether his chemical 3D-printed snacks are so healthy for humans remains to be seen. He will definitely be testing this food just like Moderna and Pfizer did years before the announced C19 "break out" in laboratories in America, Ukraine, and China (Fauci can provide further explanation about this if you are shy about this).


When it comes to food security, we don't have to rely on our own national organization. They just talk and people with knowledge (you know those people who call themselves specialists) aren't employed. All you need there are smooth talkers. Such types as the father of Matilda (Roal Dahl) the car salesman who can tell people anything, but with a slightly less raunchy appearance.

Those who do not live in Europe should certainly not believe that the food here is so much safer or that the group in Brussels protects the person living in the EU who feeds. Most civil servants in Brussels are not so enthusiastic and all strive for the same goal. The client who pays the salary is determined. What we see is only show. The new Italian PM is a good example of this.

The plebs don't have to be healthy or be well-fed and it is preferable to see 60% dead within the next five years. With a bit of luck you will succeed because as you have certainly heard, it will be getting boosters again in the autumn (indeed from now on). It is surprising how governments are still preaching the same story while lawsuits are pending against the manufacturers of the deadly C19 injections (but I still wonder why Dion's pill and abortion are still banned). Pfizer has admitted in court that their injection is harmful, even fatal and that they have always known this. Isn't it interesting how history repeats itself time and again when it comes to medical experiments combined with a crisis and provoked war? In fact, the same countries always play the same role.

After the Second World War, palm fat was massively introduced in Europe, just like trans fat. Both fats are harmful to humans and cause cancer, among other things, but food security did not care. In most countries, Mcdonald's still bakes in trans fat. The revenue model is important, not human health.

Fortunately for Bill Gates, and the many health insurance companies that invest in fast-food restaurants, much of the world's population is already used to the fast-food chemical bite. So the move from Mcdonald's to Bill's chemical mash is not that big. I'll bet many don't even notice the difference or love eating out of the wall like the Jetsons. No shopping and no washing up also has its charm, especially if you eat minimally.

I don't know how Bill's stocks are doing, but those of vegetarian food are diving. So it makes no sense to invest your last money in something that has no future perspective. If you still have some savings and want to eat something decent or delicious in the coming years, now is the time to stock up. Ignore the expiration date just like our ancestors did and use your nose and taste. Expiring dates are not meant to keep us secure but to make us buy. It's all part of the game.


As in previous years, there is (still) a plan. No, the present situation is not about that one man being blamed for a crisis or a war, because they're all puppets getting paid to make the (old) plan work. Just like in the past decades, even centuries, people will be sacrificed. Those "few" deaths don't count when it comes to "saving" the wallets of the rich.

To give you some peace of mind, fortunately, not everyone will suffer, we have seen that with the many being jabbed with the C19. No matter how bad their health became, they will not lose faith in the experiment and die with a smile on their face. That's what I call optimism, dying, and believing you do something great like saving other people.

Food, food, and drinks. Nowadays, everything we eat and drink has been chemically or genetically manipulated or the DNA has been changed. We already eat numbers and codes without knowing if they harm or change us. Modified seeds are used all over the world just like genetically modified animals. We don't even notice it and believe it's normal for a chicken to always lay eggs and for a cow or goat to give milk nonstop. Our pets also no longer resemble their ancestors and we call the many ailments purebred and the owner receives a pedigree.

Fruits and vegetables have long since run out of vitamins and we lovingly put chemicals on our skin, hair, eyes, and nails while we wrap ourselves in synthetic clothing and believe that we are healthy because we run, cycle, and eat the sprayed and grown with fertilizer small leaf of lettuce which hides in the bigMac. Would it really be so terrible to eat Bill's fake food if most of us can't even remember what a home cooked meal fifty years ago tastes like?

See @mariannewest for a daily prompt!

#kittywu #column #health #food #food-security

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