Well, there's also SC01
SC and I are naturally friends and share the same duvet
(not now since it's warm so we use a sheet)
SC stands for SUPER generous CAT
And as you know kitty and cats are felines
So yes, we stick together
Enjoy another's company and purrrrr a lot
Because rats are everywhere and can't be trusted!

What is it Super Cat and I do together?
Of course, we are busy. I lick his fur and he licks me and I catch mice and rats. Especially, rats because I like to keep SC happy and healthy and rats... they can't be trusted and spread diseases. If you know your classics you know what I'm talking about. Rats might be smart, and think they are intelligent, but they fit into the Dutch idiom "digging your own grave" meaning if you try to set a trap for someone else that boomerang will hit you at least a hundredfold in the face and stomach. In short: you lost the game.
While you all are busy on Discord, and WhatsApp and have your life meetings filled with intrigues where you freely complain about the unfairness of upvotes and life itself, meanwhile swallowing liters of coffee or alcohol, you are not aware of the fact this attitude of yours says all about... you, and...
Of course, the walls have ears... and... if not the walls your complaints and dissatisfaction can be heard thousands of kilometers away. Should behaviour like that be rewarded generously? Is that why you ask me to help you? Should I? You seriously believe you can threaten me by coming after my family?
Warning: A witch is a witch, worse than the average bitch and cats catch rodents (indeed another Dutch idiom) you catch more flies with syrup or cheap marmalade than vinegar (backstabbing isn't the way you guys and we can't help you don't show your talent).

Me and Super Cat spend a lot of time together purring, grooming, and watching you guys. By purring we calm our moods and satisfy another because honestly you rats are a plague! A bunch of annoying rodents, worse than stable flies, without talent. For your information: You don't have a right to anything, just because you drop something.
Find your circle, be devoted, upvote, and ask your friends to upvote you. Why do you want Super Cat to solve your problems? Why should one cat do all the work a plague of rats can do as well? Rodents you know you are meant to serve and end up in a predator's stomach, don't you?
Rats! You all joined the cat's world for the wrong reason. Investors are welcome not lousy, lazy beasts dropping their feces and leaving a trail of pee behind when they walk. You might call this creative but it's not. Everyone can pee and everyone can poop it's not what this kitty means by getting out-of-the-box.

Help me!
That's what the rats ask me. Giving a rat a hand is not what the average cat will do. Unlike Super Cat, I am not attentive, sweet, cute, adorable, generous, forgiving. I purrr but do not believe in a lord, I don't bow and you can't scare the hell out of me. I am a cat and I follow my instinct instead of reasons forced upon me.
Would you help me? Did you ever help me? Would you ever reach out, and give a hand? By now you rats proved you don't. You don't give a damn about me, you do not invest in friendship, you are not bold enough to stand up and say in the open what's on your mind. You prefer to drown the cat in the bag.
Rats: I don't want to spoil the fun but I gave you the opportunity to speak but you all kept your mouths shut! Too busy to gang up, spread threats, lies, organize a hit-and-run, push people to death, and of course check other's wallets and dare to ask why I support and give aid to him, him, him, her, him and not you. Why do you think it is? For sure you state it's not because of True Praise or Flattery, like @sur-riti questioned his friend Pal, that some are rewarded by me and climb the ladder. Rats let me tell you there's more than compliments and petting me to receive help like friendship and mutual respect. Ever heard of it?
While investing me, badmouthing... Did you notice I am an investor? Did you notice I bought Steem unlike you? Did you notice I reward good stories, I pay all prizes for contests myself? Did you notice I never beg or ask for help? Did you notice I even reward you the backstabbing rat and help you to improve what you write?
Do you truly believe I don't know you never read me and don't give a damn about editing or promoting yourself? That I believe you if you lie and say "I edited"? I check and see nothing changed. And yes, you are right, high-ranked rats are getting away with this habit.
Of course, you did not edit it's always "next time", typical behaviour for rats, thinking no one will check on them just like gossiping and believing in being smarter and better than anyone else.
Rats know... there are lists... FANBASE isn't the only list, there are all sorts of. If your name is on mine... not recommendable it will be hard if not impossible to change my mind. Yes, I will purrrr and whisper into Super Cat's ear to ignore the bad rats among the rodents. The abusive ones milking, draining us, while peeing and pooping.

It's passed lunchtime. High time to please the only kitty lover, catch some rats, and fill his tummy. This super cat is the one who reads, listens, invests time in answering. He's creative, adorable, loved by me, and of course, we share the blankets and he receives all the benefits. As the idiom says: That's what friends are for.
The weather is fine so we go for a walk and enjoy nature without wasting time gossiping. Cats have better things to do you know, they follow their instinct and lay in the sun while they make others work for them and see them as servants and to be one of them I have to change my habit.
P.s. If you read till the end you know that AI gave you the answer to who SC01 (and 02) and Kitty are. AI is always right just like you. Note: it's not true what they say: Cats have way more than seven lives and above all they are holy.

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Prompts: surprise - spoil the fun @freewritehouse
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Financial Overview 2024-1-21 - 2024-7-21
The community @hive-169911 could have its 1st Dolphin - Result of helping others: noclub
Transfer to Vesting: 3,040.795 STEEM
Normal Transfer: Prizes/Rewards Storywriters/Aid/Donations: 2,937.000 STEEM
Savings: 500 STEEM
Liquid STEEM: 107.864
Financial Overview 2024-1-21 - 2024-7-21
@wakeupkitty - club75
Transfer to Vesting: 4,170.548 STEEM
Normal Transfer: 866 STEEM = 215 Prizes/donations/aid - rest powering up/growth hive-169911
Did you ever give me a valuable upvote? Thank you.
Happy Writing
#steemit #freewrite #supercat #kittywu #creativewriting #club75
Bagi yang belum mengenal @wakeupkitty mungkin saja akan terkejut dan sangat mengganggu. Tulisan ini menjelaskan "ekosistem" di steemit yang coba disajikan dalam perpaduan fiksi dan realita.
Sebenarnya apa yang dicari oleh kitty?. Dia hanya menginginkan persahabatan melalui tulisan. Ini seperti kisah masa lalu dimana kantor pos menjadi primadona para sahabat pena.
Kembali ke ekosistem steemit dimana steemian dengan berbagai cara berupaya mendapatkan vote dari kurator dan menjadi pemenang setiap kontes yang diikuti. Tujuannya hanya mendapatkan steem semata. Namun mereka melupakan esensi dari sahabat pena yang diinginkan kitty. Dimana ada penghargaan terhadap suatu tulisan dengan membacanya sampai tuntas serta memberikan komentar yang tentunya original bukan AI.
Anda tidak bisa menebak siapa kitty sebenarnya, dia memiliki tujuh nyawa dan satu nyawa sebagai pelindung bagi para steemian yang jujur, berani dan kreatif.
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Ada kehidupan untuk satu atau bahkan dua orang teman. Saya jamin itu. Itu hanya membuat saya sedih karena beberapa orang sepertinya berpikir mereka bisa memakan saya, saya dan keluarga saya.
Sebelum saya memposting ini, saya membacakannya kepada anak saya. Dia berkata: kucing di bawah sinar matahari tidak melakukan apa-apa? Hapus saja. Mereka harus tahu berapa jam dan berapa banyak yang Anda investasikan. Apakah saya sepadan dengan waktu, benang, semua uang yang Anda berikan?
Itu pertanyaan yang bagus dan saya perhatikan orang-orang yang saya bantu jarang sekali berpura-pura. Kata yang tepat adalah serakah dan memang fokus pada Steem saja.
Saya adalah orang yang mengenal SC01 dan karena itu saya harus membantu mereka dan mengarahkan SC01 dan 02 untuk memberikan upvote kepada mereka.
Apakah saya akan melakukan itu? Tidak akan pernah. Pribadi bukanlah hak. Jika mereka datang untuk Steem hanya mereka yang dipimpin oleh mereka yang memperkenalkan mereka ke Steemit. Sebuah kemungkinan bukanlah fakta.
Saya tidak suka diancam dan didiskusikan di belakang punggung saya di grup WhatsApp komunitas yang saya kerjakan untuk mengangkat mereka. Sudah jelas para administrator tidak peduli dan tidak akan pernah mendukung saya. Mereka mengatakan kebohongan demi kebohongan dan terus mengubah aturan dan bahkan kontes.
Hari ini menjadi jelas bagi saya bahwa ini bukan tentang hiburan tetapi tentang uang. Tiba-tiba sebuah komunitas yang unik tidak lagi berarti hiburan. Apa yang terjadi dalam 1,5 bulan? Selalu ada alasan, penundaan pembayaran, menolak untuk menunjukkan bukti, meninggalkan semua wajan untuk saya sehingga saya yang menanggung akibatnya?
Ini adalah perkembangan yang menarik karena saya tahu satu-satunya alasan mereka meminta saya adalah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan.
Apakah masih ada sahabat pena dan penulis? Saya rasa masih ada, tetapi tidak dalam komunitas besar atau mereka yang akan membunuh untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan.
Benang merah, tabrak lari, kematian, ini bukan fiksi dan juga pendapat saya bahwa jika semua orang akan mendukung, Super Cat tidak diperlukan. Kita harus berpikir bahwa fakta adanya kesempatan ekstra ini akan memotivasi. Sebaliknya, kemalasan dan perilaku manja meningkat dan rata-rata Steemian tidak peduli.
Jika mereka dapat mengirim halaman kosong, mereka akan melakukannya.
Agak menyedihkan tetapi tidak lagi menjadi hal yang saya dukung. Saya sudah melakukan itu cukup lama.
Saya tidak mengerti bagaimana orang bisa menjadi begitu rendah karena sebuah situs dan kurator anonim yang murah hati dan memukuli, dan mengancam mereka yang menerima upvote. Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya, hilangnya anonimitas bersama dengan pertemuan-pertemuan di Steemit tidak membawa kebaikan. Ini membahayakan seluruh keluarga. Betapa buruknya rasa iri itu.
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For few day, a question has been echoing within the chambers of my mind, taunting me with its elusive answer. I couldn't convince myself of the existence of a talisman that has entrapped Kitty. I'm well-versed in the nature of my people, but this enigma has left me perplexed. Perhaps to unravel this mystery, I sought to engage in a clandestine discussion with you, away from prying eyes. But now, I sense that Kitty has also become aware of the scenario. Alas, it may be too late. The birds are flying, and casting a net to ensnare them is futile. I've experienced this before, and the memory still haunts me. I had become a phantom, invisible to the world. If that time only someone had deciphered my signals back then...
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If you want to to enravel you find me on telegram or can gmail me.
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It's too late now, the flight has departed! But I'm still puzzled by this mystery: why are the 2 community leaders only from the same family? And those who rise to great heights by standing on others' shoulders will definitely turn against me if they sense my presence. Just people like them did three years ago when I spoke out against them, my own people blacklisted me from the community and muted my posts. The memory of their disapproval still haunts me, a reminder of what happens when you challenge the status quo.
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Are they family, I wanted to say. Is it allowed or a problem? Siblings or couples? Does it bite?
More active elsewhere is going on it's a big world steem4 a blog and pakistan under fire servives and arises stronger. Today it's A, next B or F.
There's room for creativity everywhere. Muted can be copt-pasted and shown elsewhere. It happened to me for not being an accepted acceptable (paying) member. Be free write and for stores hive 169911 invites. Traces ars left like stones and bread crumbs by little thumb in the forest. Birdscan pick but you can be found anyway.
A warning today like a fairy tale but they ignore me, do as they like. Will they take the money and run from the witch after they tried to kill her? If I don't vote messages no one does. 🤔 I don't understand why.
Italy fights back, downvotes are shielded, strong support for the loyal ones, no muddy mods, enough contests and boosters shared.
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A whisper of wisdom is enough for the enlightened. Yet, I'm cognizant that my public proclamations have been prolific. Perhaps this transparency will prove perilous for me. Nevertheless, I've endured the repercussions before and shall brave them again! For I am the maestro of manifesting truth, weaving tales that transcend the mundane. My words are the warp and weft of reality itself.
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You are not alone.
I know more, they hide and only appear if it's dark.
Will I still be alive at dawn? If not the truth is revealed and more than one know being united, a new path is possibl. There's no need to stay in a 'magical' circle.
Ignorance, keeping up appearances is the used tool, tools I don't use.
I didn't see bears on the road but there are plenty of other animals.
Some can be scary.
It's not about purring cats, licking another but climbing, stabbing, monkey without aperol spritz but dirty tricks. As if gorillas fall for it.
Tomorrow is my muddy day like all days. Present but muted.
Hurray, united we step out of the dark and fight those killing fake-monsters.
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The enlightened know, turning tables is only possible if united and separate. Power comes in many ways. It's not all about the money but words, whispers spread followed by...
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The birds I exposed in Past have also taken to the skies, fueled by the money they've gained. Obviously , they'll do the same. However, it'll take some time for them , as they've only just started building their nests.
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Isn't it amazing how we wait for the first swallow to return? It's a sign of Summer on its way. They fly fasts, the nests are build in a special way. They cruise the sky and fly straiggt into my face. Brutal graciousness or mean angry birds acting like nightingales?
I thought they left but are still around but the hives of wasps increase by the day. All those queens fight them and turn to be unstopable. Not agressive but the power of their presence speaks. There's some fear for the passed and the gorilla is the goal to reach into the sky. Will King Kong fall for the girl?
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Unbeknownst to you, a web of intrigue entwines your existence with that of certain individuals. These are the same entities who callously disregarded the champion of their rights, the one who dared to raise their voice on their behalf from the outset. In an era when the digital whispers of this nation's inhabitants were met with indifference, they toiled in obscurity to provide succor. Be wary, for their benevolence is a mere facade, and expecting virtue from them is an exercise in futility.
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Should I stay or should I go
If I go there will be trouble
If I stay it will be double
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Thank you, friend!

I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)
The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.
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Let's put it this way... If this was fiction I had used the hashtags #story and #fiction and posted in Tales&Stories.
I said I would use no hashtags but this time I dis
Let's be honest: the loss of anonymity and Steemit meetings brings threats/danger to some who receive upvotes. Can this be avoided?
#comment #steemit
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Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Thank you @chant
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If there is one thing any Steemian close to you can say, it is your dedication and hard work to support genuine efforts. I’m also one of the beneficiaries of your support.
Please always keep in mind that the integrity and value you bring to Steemit are recognized, and we appreciate it a lot and don’t forget, that we your
fans, always have your back any day and anytime.
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I keep that in mind that you appreciate me or what I do. However I have no illusions the average takes it for granted.
I truly wonder today if integrity and value exist. It feels more as if I am used for intrigues of some others. What to think a out the Inc and those willing to kill for a few Steem or a fixed (or is it sick) idea?
It's good to read you before I go to bed.
Sweet dreams to you and thanks for your compliment/comment.
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Jika saya berada di posisi sang tikus, saya akan pergi sejauh-jauhnya dari pantauan sang kucing, atau berubah bentuk menjadi hamster atau marmut yang lebih menggemaskan. Atau pilihan lian mungkin membuat sayang di hutan, tapi disana juga lebih banyak predator dari pada di sini yang hanya ada 2 kucing.
Mungkin apa yang diilustrasikan oleh Kitty menjebak fikiran pembaca dan dengan mudah menganggapnya sebagai bentuk ejekan. Tapi sebenarnya ini adalah sesuatu yang benar terjadi. JIka ingin menjadi lebih tenang sebaiknya para tikus merubah perilaku. Atau lebih cocoknya merubah sifat dari seekor tikus menjadi kelinci yang imut atau menjadi anjing yang lebih buas??
Ini adalah hal yang mesti di dengar dengan berfikir logis dan kreatif. Salam Super Cat
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Baik, tikus, hamster, babi asli, semuanya sama saja. Makanan bagi para predator dan mereka tidak menyebarkan penyakit dan menginfeksi semua orang. Jika Anda memikirkannya, aneh bagaimana kucing yang bekerja keras harus berkorban demi seekor kucing super. Saya ingin tahu di mana ceritanya berakhir. Akankah tikus-tikus itu melakukan mogok makan malam ini?
Jika demikian saya akan mengatakan: Biarkan mereka mati. Ini adalah dunia yang bebas, tanggung jawab mereka.
Hari ini saya mendapat ketukan lagi, tentu saja permintaan uang. Saya menolak dan menerima ucapan terima kasih yang 'luar biasa'.
Serigala-serigala itu mengalami hari yang tenang.
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