You're a spandex butterfly.
I think we all live a double life. And that's okay. There's the person we put out into the world. The person who we wish to be perceived as and the person we know we are in our minds. Who knows you better than you, after all. This prompt didn't really illicit any responses that I felt could add anything to my world so I decided to do a more journalistic entry for this freewrite.
Doubly so, because I was listening to this song at the time the prompt came out. I just couldn't shake it from my head. "Danny, don't you know that we're all cool as f-ck on the inside?" I certainly feel cool as f-ck on the inside. I know I'm not cool as f-ck on the outside though. But don't confuse this for complaining. It's okay to not be cool. Especially if you hate interacting with people.