We have heard a lot about the characteristics of a successful manager, which is considered the basis for the success and establishment of management in any place, whether this place is a large institution or a small company. The article here means the word manager as the person who takes charge of leading some individuals under his leadership in any field or place, as we always find that the manager Successful employees cling to their place and it is difficult for them to leave the company and move to another place, even if the other place offers them many financial temptations.
In this case, the employee does not stick to the same place, but prefers to be under the management of a successful manager who does not cause his employees a lot of psychological burden. If you are someone whose employees cling to him, know that you are a successful manager.
Characteristics of a successful manager
- You always strive to develop and advance the work system and for the company you work for, with the help of your employees, to occupy a position among other companies instead of seeking to occupy the management chair.
- Acknowledge the efforts of those around you and do not attribute all the credit and success to yourself.
- Consider your employees and treat them like human beings and not like machines that just work without feeling, getting tired, or getting bored at times.
- You consult those around you and do not give direct orders. For example, you may say (I am thinking such and such, what do you think?)
- You give orders in a soft manner and do not make those around you feel that they are lower in status than you. On the contrary, you make them feel that without them the work would not have been successful.
- You make your employees feel valued and that they are an integral part of the organization’s success, and you join them in celebrating any success that occurs, and do not share this success with only managers like you.
- Reward someone who succeeds in something, whether with a promotion or by raising his morale by thanking him in front of all employees, as this makes him strive to think and innovate.
- Do not treat your employees according to your mood, but rather deal with them according to their condition and care to find out the reason behind their bad psychological state and address the matter.
- Do not use intimidation with your employees to get the work done, but rather use the enticement method.
- Be firm only with those who make mistakes and do not use the “evil prevails” method.
- You keep your promise to your employees and this reflects on them as well.
- You respect your opponents’ opinions and listen to them, perhaps their plans are more useful and more suitable for action than yours.
The previous qualities are some of the characteristics of a successful manager who pushes the work and his employees forward and does not try to push himself forward just to prove himself at the expense and on the shoulders of others. Or the failed manager, in most cases employees leave work because of him.
Characteristics of a failed manager
He is a non-transparent, deceitful person who never trusts anyone because he is always afraid for his place, believing that everyone around him wants to get rid of him to get the position of manager, so you find him keeping a lot of information to himself only and not sharing it with anyone, thinking that this will always make him special, and he cannot. No one to come forward.
A selfish person who proves any success to himself, but when he fails, he looks for a scapegoat to carry this failure so that he will always remain the successful manager who never makes mistakes.
He forms parties within the work and does not care about reconciliation between his employees in the event of a dispute. Rather, he exploits this situation to bring some employees closer to him, who then become sources of news in the company.
He never feels the psychological state of his employees and keeps putting pressure on them until they have no choice but to leave work or work under pressure, the consequences of which will be dire. Consequently, they make mistakes and then he finds the opportunity to punish them, whether decisively or violently.
He is afraid of any hardworking employee who is talented in his work, so he always insists on oppressing, oppressing, and humiliating him in front of the rest of the employees until he loses confidence in himself, so he does not succeed, and thus does not take the position from him.
He does not listen to his employees' ideas and suggestions, but rather he alone makes plans without taking into account their psychological conditions.
He lacks a lot of information related to the department he manages, and his source of information is the employee himself, and he never develops himself.
The point of this article is not to be a failed manager without realizing it. If the manager you work for is of the second type, then run away and do not work with him. He may make you lose confidence in yourself or overwhelm you with his personality, so you may become like him one day.